Viper can't have kids

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Back with Void....

Vero crawls alone by himself looking at the hallways

Void is wearing the gauntlet looking at it*

He notices Vero is missing

Void: Vero? Vero?!

He hears babbling through the hall ways

Void follows the babbling*

He doesnt know that in one of the hallways Vero is crawling upside down

Void: Vero! Are you climbing on my mixed up stairs room?!

He looks and sees hes not in that room

Void: Huh?

He sees tiny footprints on the ceiling

Void: What the?

He follows the footprintd everywhere until he sees Vero babbling crawling on the ceiling

Void: Son! There you are!

Vero looks upside doen and babbles as he waves

Void: Vero, come back down

Vero jumped in his arms*

Vero whines he's sorry before Void realizes he climbed upside down

Void: It's okay son, I'm surprised you climbed upside down.

Vero sees three infinite stones on Void's gauntlet*

Vero whimpers and hides in his cape

Void: Hey, it's okay, these infinite stones won't hurt you, they are harmless to you

Vero coos and chews on it.

Void: Hey hey hey *grabs the ego stone* Your hungry son?

Vero nodded yes*

Void: Okay, let's get you some food

Vero coos and claps*

Back with Enerjak and Sabrina*

Enerjak: So what do you want to talk about?

Sabrina-( Blushes ) Well. I missed you for two months. Its been busy

Enerjak: I know

Sabrina blushes

Enerjak kisses her head*

Sabrina giggles

Sabrina- So how are you ?

Enerjak: I'm doing good

Sabrina- Thats nice. So anything new ? Like additional new ?

Enerjak: Well I have a new little brother

Sabrina gasped.

Sabrina- Really ? Whats his name ? What does he look like ? Is he SUPER CUTE ?!

Enerjak: Vero

Sabrina- What does he look like ? How did you get him ?

Enerjak: I'm not sure how we got him, but he is a little snake

Sabrina- Awww ! How sweet !

Back in Centaurworld...

Domino and Mittens lead thr kids and they see Rabbitaurs scampering and deer centaurs

Maisie: Awwwww! So cute!

Samantha: I know!

Then they sre a few Moletaurs digging and hiding

Snips: Awwwwww!

Then they see a few centaurs singing the Rift Worker song

Troy: Ooh!

They look and see the one who is leading the song to the fellow centaur workers is a young and pretty female Deertaur named Vanilla Fleur

Tito: Wow!

Vanilla smiles before she kept singing

The kids listen to it and are amazed*

Vanilla finished singing

They clapped*

Vanilla- Huh ?

Maisie: That was amazing!

Vanilla- Thank you. I see you brought new centaurs Domino and Mittens ?

Maisie: Yep

Ice cube: Kinda

Vanilla- Im Vanilla Fleur the Deertaur.

Tito: Nice to meet you senorita

Vanilla- You as well my dear.

Vanilla giggles at her joke

Fenrir: So where do you live?

Vanilla- In the valley nearby

Grimskull: Okay

Jax yawns*

Maisie- Oh Jax is tired. We should be heading back

Tito: Okay, maybe another time Vanilla

Vanilla- You as well. It was nice meeting you newcomers.

Back in HQ....

Sonia sees Snake coming back with Viper

Sonia: Hey honey

Snake- Hey babe ! I want ya to meet Viper.

Viper smiled shyly.

Viper- Hello there

Sonia smiles: Hello there

Viper- Hi. Im Master Viper... From the Furious Five

Then she hears several gasped of surprise from the house and looks

David: From the what?!

Viper- The Furious 5?

Esmerelda: No way!

Issac- Omg I LOVE the Furious 5 ! Youre Viper ! The Master of Courage !

Viper-( Giggles ) Yes I am

Lexy: Awesome!

Viper blushes at the compliments

Before Snake looks to her

Sonia: So what brings you here?

Viper- This place ? I decided to take a break from the Jade palace to travel here. I hewrd there was a lot going on here

Markus: Awesome!

Sabrina came back holding the sleepy Jax*

Savy- Jax!

Savy holds the baby and hugs him

Jax coos*

Viper- Aww, what a cute baby you have !

Savy smiles: Thanks!

Viper-(giggles) No problem.. I just love babies ! If it was possible for me...

Sonia: What do you mean?

Viper turns red and a little sad.

Viper- Oh.. Well... Also besides the fact I was born fangless I... Can't carry any babies...

Samartha: What?!

Viper turns red and looks away and nodded as Snake holds her tail with his

Snake: Don't be sad, there are other women who can't have babies.

Jax listens, he has an idea*

Viper: I understand if you don't want me around

Sonia: No no no, I'm not mad, Snake can have two girls, just like uncle Tigs have two girls.

Snake- Yeah sweet stuff. Please ?

Viper: Well okay, but I'm still sad I can't have any babies

Jax looks

Jax: Hmmmm

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