Planning a new movie

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Meanwhile at Toon patrol hq*

Snake rested his head on Sonia's belly*

Snake couldn't help but to feel bad for Viper

Sonia rubs his head: You okay honey?

Snake- Yeah... I just can't stop thinking abput Viper

Sonia rubs his head: Why?

Snake- I don't know... I fell in love with her and she said she is going back to China for a little bit

Sonia: Do you want to go see her with me?

Snake- Huh ? Really ?

Sonia smiles: Of course honey

Snake smiles.

Snake- Okay. Let's go !

Back with the toons...

Theyre at the park with Skye who shows them her vids of her turning into a kitsune and dancing

Issac: Cool huh?

Skye- I know! My Mom doesn't even know a thing about this !

Savy: Well you should be careful not downloading this around toon town, your mother told me to make sure the public won't see this

Skye- Look sis. There is a time that you have to break the rules once in a while. Everyone watches Youtube anyway !

Savy: True true

Aphmau came: Hi guys!

Skye- Hi Aphmau !

Crystal- Hey Aphmau.

Aphmau: How are you guys?

Skye- Were doing good. What brings you here ?

Aphmau: I'm having a party tonight, so I was hoping to inviting all of you!

Crystal- Huh ?

Skye- Really ?!

Aphmau: Yes really!

Skye- ( Jumped off the bench )Wow ! Amazing !

Amy: We'll get ready for your party!

Skye-( Jumped off the bench ) Amazing !

Aphmau smiles*

With Snake and Sonia, Viper is packing her things*

Viper- Okey dokey. It was nice seeing this place. Its more cheerful then the Valley of Peace

Sonia knocks on the door*

Viper- Huh ?

Viper slithered over and opens the door.

Viper- Oh ! Hello Sonia and Snake

Snake: Hi Viper!

Viper- What brings you here ?

Sonia: Snake wants to see you before you leave

Snake: When will you come back to Toon town?

Viper- Oh! Really? Of course I will! I'm only staying in the Valley for a while

Sonia smiles*

Snake smiles and kisses her cheek: Even though I can't have sex with you, I can still adore you

Viper blushes and giggles

Skye and Savy went to the Weaselings place..

Skye- Guys! Guys!

Tops: Hey guys, me and Arabella are thinking to make another movie idea, but we can't choose?

Tigs looks at the ideas: Hmmm, Savy and Blitzo? Maisie and her friends in Children of the corn? The snake dragon?

Arabella gasped as her eyes sparkled

Arabella- How about The Snake of Monte Cristo Chapter 1 ?!

Pentol looks at it: Sonia is in it, but what is it about?

Arabella- Hey hey hey hey hey. BOTH Viper and Snake are in it !

Malikai: Who's Viper?

Arabella- You guys never heard the great Master Viper from the Furious Five ?!

Jason: I did

Arabella- See? At least Jason does! Okay no interrupting but this one is a Sonia x Snake x Viper one

Rocky: Ooh!

Arabella- NO INTERRUPTING! Okay first Snake was engaged to the lovely viper daughter of the Master Venomous Viper back in Monte Cristo umaware ANOTHER snake called either Ushari or Rattlesnake Jake was in love with her too. So one day , that person wrongfully framed Snake for a crime he didnt commit and got him sent to the dungeons. Sometime later when he escaped the dungeon 3 years, Jake lied to her saying he has been executed, for her to have no choice but to marry him. And when Snake heard of the news he felt broken hearted before he went on a few adventures with the Bad Guys amd FELL IN LOVE with a beautiful hybrid Sonia where he found love again... Feeling like the two have in commom feeling like different outcasts

Savy: Oh my!

Skye- Ooh !

Tops: Yeah, it will be awesome!

Arabella- So what brings you guys here ?

Savy: Aphmau is inviting us to her party!

Malikai- Wait really ?

Skye- Yes !

Pentol- Does Skye's mom know ?

Issac: Not yet, but as long as Skye doesn't show her kitsune form

Skye- Yeah !

Pentol- Alright. I guess we'll get ready too!

Morty- Yeah !

Skye the nine tailed foxWhere stories live. Discover now