Disaster at the party

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Skye growls and yells as she jumped front he high roof and tackles the boys to the ground

They are shocked*

Tops: Skye! Stop!

Savy- Skye !

The two boys are scared as Skye violently grabbed them.

Skye- You think you're so tough and so high and mighty well you're not ! I dont know why Kat and Aphmau ever dated and married you guys !

Malikai- Skye !

Then Genevieve comes in and see this.

Genevieve- What is going on here?!

They all froze as Skye looks

Markus: Busted...

Skye is silent and looks at Ein and Pierce crying for real.

Pierce- Were sorry...

Ein- Please let us go...

Skye quickly got off of them and she and the Weaselings see their other friends like Rascal , Von Kriplespac , Chiques all afraid of her and backed away as a few of them glared at her and held their children.

Amy covers her mouth*

Time Skip....

While everyone else left making fun or judging Skye, Skye is in her toon form again feelibg awful as she sits next to Savy the siblingsand the Weaselings as they hear Genevieve talk to Aphmau and the boys

Rocky: We're in trouble

Ein- ( Tearfully) I dont want to hear your apologies ! A crerature like that shouls be PUT DOWN or LOCKED UP !!

Ludel gasped*

Skye tears up as they call her names degrading her as if she is a real monster.

Pierce- Your daughter is an animal ! A monster !

The weaselings are shocked*

Issac: Remind me to prank Ein and Pierce back!

Savy- Right.

Then Genevieve comes out and glares at them. But instead of scolding her daughter she walks over .

Genevieve- I cant believe you thought letting Skye go to that party is safe !

Savy: Genevieve, it wasn't my fault, I tried to control her anger form! They're the ones who hit me with mud!

Genevieve: Oh no I'm not mad at you, I know you were honest to me.

Savy: Oh thank you.

Genevieve glares at the others: But the others have failed me!

Skye- Mom , can you not do this right now ?

Genevieve- No ! Because if they knew your secret like your friend here they would've pitched in and helped out as well !

Tops: We're sorry miss!

Ludel: We tried to stop her!

Genevieve- Well maybe you all should've tried harder! Because of this she attacked those two boys! Do you think this is a joke ?!

They are shocked*

Skye: Mom, I'm sorry, those boys threw mud at Savy! I had to defend her!

Genevieve- Thats it. Tomorrow we are getting rid of your Kitsune form for good ! Let's go.

Skye looks at her mother and at her friends. She knows if she does this she will miss the concert anyway and she already feels like a horrible monster for attacking three people now

Issac: Skye, please, your going to miss it.

Skye looks away*

Malikai: You know what, fine, go be with your mother, you can't even stand up to her, let's go guys *as they leave*

Arabella- Bro... Im disappointed in you.

They stopped for a minute and look at Arabella

Malikai: Not to worry, she'll come to us at the concert, I know

Arabella-( Angrily) Then why were you being mean to her ?! You know its bad enough she feels like a monster !!

Malikai: I tried to stand up to her, but to let you know, Skye's mom needs help!

Arabella- Well guess what bro?! You didn't helo when you yelled at poor Skye !!

Malikai is shocked, his feelings are hurt*

Arabella calms down and feels bad.

Arabella- Im sorry bro. I just hate it when you had to make Skye feel bad for not standing up for herself. That wasmt you

Malikai: I tried to, I really do sis

Arabella- Can you promise me something bro ?

Malikai: Yes?

Arabella- If Skye does appear to the concery can you apologize to her for shaming her for not being stand up for herself ?

Malikai: I promise

Arabella hugs him.

Arabella- Thank you bro

Malikai smiles and hugs her back*

Skye the nine tailed foxWhere stories live. Discover now