A call from Skye's mom and flashback of the island

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Back at Toon patrol hq, Sonia is sleeping in bed cuddling with Annie*

Smarty smiled as he looked

Savy looks*

Smarty- Aren't they so adorable ?

Savy: They really are honey

Smarty- I heard the Bad Guys will be out in a few hours

Savy: Should we tell her?

Smarty- Lets let her rest for a while. She had an exhaysted day with Annie.

They walked into the living room as Skye is now trying to meditate in her toon form

Savy: How is your calming session doing Skye?

Skye smiles as she takes a deep breath

Skye- All better now. Now there is nothing that can flip me out.

Then Greg comes out with Skyes phone

Greg- Honey it's your mother

Skye- Im not here !

Skye hides under the coffee table

Savy: I got this *answers it* Hello, this is Skye's friend speaking

???- Hello this is Genevieve Keane. Skylar's mother.

The hand grabs mascara and puts it on her long lashes

Savy: Nice to meet you, I'm the princess of Toon town of course *giggles* So how are you miss?

Genevieve- Doing well. So how is my daughter doing , your highness ?

Genevieve puts on her Yin Yang necklace

Savy: She's doing very well, she and her husbands and her kids are doing fine, so are you coming to Toon town for a visit?

Genevieve- Exactly what I'm doing. To check up on her since the Red moon is only a month away and I heard about Skye unleashing her Kitsune form again....

Genevieve places a lotus blossom like Skye's on her head

Skye overhears and is shocked*

Genevieve: But Savy, are you and your friends the only ones who knows about her kitsune form?

Savy: Yes of course madam! But don't worry, we're helping her control it

Genevieve- Good. Because I'm coming soon.... With reinforcements.

Genevieve then hangs up on her before Skye exploded into her Kitsune form breaking the table.

Skye- Oh no !! This isnt happening ! This isn't happening !

Savy: Skye!

Skye looks at her*

Savy: Your mom might be able to help you take your kitsune form from you, and you'll be back to normal

Skye- I dont know !

Skye's tails hit Markus and Vincent sending them flying across the room

Markus: Wheeee!

Derek: Man, you are more freaked out like Issac when he was running away from the cannibals from canibal island

Issac: Don't you dare remind the flashback!


Savy, Vincent, Markus, Lexy, Samartha, and Zane are running to the boat*

Ein: Pierce, is the boat working?!


Ein: We need to get it started soon!

Zane: You idiots got the boat working?

Ein: We're almost done with it!

Zane: We need to leave now!

Savy: What about Issac? We can't leave without him!

???: Oi!

They see Issac running around the corner*

Savy: It's Issac!

Pierce- What now?!

They are shocked to see the tribe of cannibals chasing Issac*

Vincent: Oh...time to go!

Lexy: Start the boat you guys!

Pierce: Yes captain!

Issac runs: Ahhhhhhhh!

Pierce starts the boat

Savy: Com'on bro!

Issac: I'm coming!

Issac runs in the water, the cannibal tribe can't get them*

Issac is on the ladder: Ha! Thought you can get me but you can eat my shorts you-*as water washed on him* I'm Prince Issac the triplet son

End of Flashback*

Issac: That was scary being chased by cannibals

Skye is bewildered and looks at Savy who chuckles.

Savy- Yeah that's weird.

Skye the nine tailed foxWhere stories live. Discover now