Stopping Annella

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Rage Temper is attacking dark town*

Savy sees this: Oh boy, Tikki, we need to transform now! *went behind a building* Tikki! Spots on!

Smarty- Im getting too old for this. Plagg claws out!

They transformed into Ladybug and Cat Noir*

Everyone is taking cover as some people turned into hot rocks by Rage Temper's gun*

Cat Noir- We need someone else !

Ladybug: But who?

???: Sister! Please stop!

They see Amy in front of Rage Temper*

Cat Noir- Aw crap. Please rid of my immortality and kill me now...

Ladybug: I got this, lucky charm! *as a scooter appeared* Hmm, I have an idea, you distract the rock lava monster, I'll get Amy to safety

Cat Noir nodded*

Rage Temper: I won't stop this sis! Lava rock monster, grab her!

The lava rock monster is about to get her when Ladybug got Amy on the scooter with her*

Cat Noir: Hey dumb rock monster, come and get me!

The lava rock monster chases him, Ladybug drove Amy to a safe spot*

Cat Noir- What now Ladybug ?!

Ladybug: Keep him distracted, help is on the way!

Amy: What help?

Ladybug took out the bee miraculous: Amy rose, here is the miraculous of the bee, which grants the power to stun your enemy, you will use it for the greater good, if you are willing.

Amy smiles: Of course *holds it and Pollen comes out*

Pollen: At your service my queen, I am here to help, all you need to say is "Pollen buzz on."

Amy- Pollen buzz on ?

Amy turns into Vespiria*

Ladybug came out as Rage temper chases her*

Amy went to help Cat Noir*

Cat Noir is distracting the rock lava monster*

Cat Noir dodges

Amy: Hey you big dummy!

The rock lava monster sees her*

Amy: Venom! *as she holds a stinger*

The rock lava monster tries to smash her, but she dodges, she jumped on his head and stings him with her stinger, the rock lava monster is frozen like a statue*

Cat Noir- Okay... Cataclysm !

Cat Noir destroyed the monster*

Amy: Let's recharge, Ladybug needs us!

Cat Noir: Right! *as the two went to recharge*

When they are done, they left*

Ladybug is being chased by Rage temper on her flying rage car*

Cat Noid- Come on !

Savannahtheweasel's avatar

Ladybug trips*

Rage Temper: I got you now Ladybug!

Cat Noir: Catacylsm! *as he catyclsmed her cat*

Rage Temper points the gun at Savy: Surrender, or I'll turn Ladybug into a fire stone!

Amy: Rage Temper, why don't you pick someone your own size fire breath!

Rage Temper: How dare you call me that!

While she is distracted, Savy put super glue in Rage Temper's gun holder*

Amy: Well your a good for nothing fire lady!

Rage Temper is angry and turned her into a fire stone: Ha! Now you are nothing but a fire stone! *puts her gun in her gun holder* Now you two better surrender! *as she tries to pull her fire gun out*

Ladybug: Okay cat noir, hold her!

Cat Noir holds Rage temper, Ladybug took her bow and pulls it apart, she caught the akuma*

Ladybug throws the glue in the air: Miraculous ladybug! *as everything is fixed and everyone is back to normal*

Cat Noir- Finally !

Vexa- Uh oh...

Annella turns to normal: What? What happened?

Amy: It's okay, your back to normal

Annella: Did I do something bad?

Ladybug: Everything's okay *as she took out a magical charm* Here, this is a magical charm, always keep it with you so you can't be akumatized again

Annella- Im guessing everyonody now thinks Im a jerk huh ?

The injured Ein then appears as everyone stares at her.

Ein- YES !!! We do !

Ladybug: Well Ein, everyone knows that you and Pierce are the ones that provoked her

They gasped*

Skye- Thats true.

Ein- Hey I wasn't the one that hit her first ! She made the first move

Vexa- Daddys gonna kill me....

Genevieve hit Ein's head: You apologize to this lady right now!

Skye- Better do what my Mom says. She

Ein: Okay, I'm sorry!

Annella: It's okay

Savy, Smarty, and Amy went to transform back*

Genevieve: So who were those heroes by the way?

Smarty- Um they decided to take a break.

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