Blitzo knows why

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With Vexa, she went to find the moon crystal*

Vexa- Okay. Where could it be ?

She sees Serena and the girls talking*

Vexa- Hmmm...

The moon crystal is around Serena's neck*

Vexa- There you are...

Serena giggles*

Vexa turns invisible

The girls giggled too*

Vexa quietly sneaks over

Ami: I know right!?

Vexa quietly reached out to the Crystal

Vexa takes the crystal while they're not noticing*

Vexa- Yes! Yes! I did it !

Vexa went home*

Back at the castle in the home of the darkness*

Void holds Vero who is sleeping*

Vero coos softly and gently kicks as he holds Squirrely

Void smiles*

Void: Yes sweetie?

Vexa- I have the necklace

Void holds it: Well done sweetie! *looks at it* Wait a sec...

Void looks closer

Void- Its a fake !

He turns to her only for her to be gone before she is in her room crying.

Vexa- Im sorry Daddy !

Void: No no no sweetie, I'm not mad at you

Vexa sniffles.

Vexa- You should be...

Void: Those girls are very clever, but... *looks at Vero* They can't resist babies...

Enerjak, Definite, Aku and Ixis came back*

Definite: We're home dad, and I came in Lira.

Vexa tears up more andcovers her face.

Vexa- Eeeeeewwwwwwwww ! Keep that to yourself !

Definite: Sorry.

Void: Okay kids, next week, we're going to find a way to get the moon crystal.

Enerjak: Oh dad, I may have told Maisie that you used the ego stone on Issac.

Void: Good... I can't wait to see Blitzo's reaction...

Back in hell*

Blitzo- WHAT?!

Maisie: That's what Enerjak told me

Blitzo- So... Issac never really betrayed me

Zazz: That fucking asshole Void!

Cherri- Zazz ! Watch your mouth in front of Bomber !

Zazz: Oh, sorry

Zomom: So what now?

Blitzo- Im telling Issac later.

Zoey looks and is going to make a prank

Zeena: Sis? What are you doing?

Zoey- Shhh ! Im gonna pull a joke

Zeena: Okay

Zoey sneaks up on her brothers and points.

Zoey- Ew a furry !

Zavok: Huh?

Blitzo bursted into laughter with Cherri and Loona as they got the joke

Zomom: Uh... I don't get it?

Blitzo-( Laughs) The fans out there in the real world are called Furry haters ! And that means they just dont hate animal toons they hate alien ones !

Zomom: Oh....

Zor: Sigh, life's not fair...

Blitzo- Life isnt supposed to be fair Zor.

Zor sighs*

Zoey-- Broooooooooos !

Zavok: Yes?

Zoey- Im boooooooooooooored !

Zazz: Okay?

Zoey- You're mean ! Imma bite you.

Zoey bites him three times

Zazz: Ow! Oh ho! You're on! *tackles her*

Bokkun is shocked as he holds his babies*

Zoey puts him in a choke hold

Zazz nibbles her tail*

Zoey yelps and laughs

Zavok chuckles: Siblings

Back in Toon Town..

Skye finally finishes having lunch with he rfamily.

Skye- Aww thank God its over

Ava giggles*

Skye- Go home Ava

Ava: Okay sister, bye!

Vincent looks at the time: Hey, we need to head home now

Issac: Yeah, we don't want Alf tearing up our house again

Skye- Can we take a break first ? Meeting my familynis already exhausting !

Skye falls onto her face

Markus helps her up: Me got you

Skye- Thanks Markus. But how am I going to the concert now ?!

Issac: Calm down, it's only a month away, we'll try to persuade your mother next week

Skye- I doubt that very much. Shes very persistent.

Markus: We know

Blitzo is looking for them*

Blitzo- Issac ! Issac !

Blitzo ran to them

Samartha: Oh! Hey Blitz!

Blitzo- I know why Issac betrayed me on that previous episode with the fight !

Issac: Yes?

Blitzo- Maisie told me Void used the ego stone on you!

Issac: He what?!

Sash- Oh babe !

Sash hugs him

Issac: So that's why I blurt it out against my will!

Sash- Babe I'm so sorry I yelled at you like that before! I didn't know !

Issac: Yeah, Void wants me to become a bad guy!

Sash- Noooo !

Sash holds him tight

Issac: Oh!

Sash- If Im not going anywhere neither are you

Issac smiles: Awww babe

Sash kisses his face

Issac smiles*

Skye the nine tailed foxWhere stories live. Discover now