A happy ending

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Skye hears crying as her friends look at the "screen"

Savy: Huh?

Skye- What ?

The Heroes watch as they see Skye walking through the forest until they see a young blonde fox with long blonde hair in a green shirt and shorts hides her face in her knees as she cries

Savy: Who's that?

Pentol- I dont know....

Skye looks sad as she probably knows.

???-(Cries) Im sorry... Its all my fault... I hurt her...

Skye bent down beside her.

Skye- Hurt who ?

???-( Cries ) My Mom ! I got so anhry I lost control !!

Skye is shocked*

Then the young girl reveals to be her Mom as a teenager

Skye: Mom?

Young Genevieve sniffles as she wipes her tears.

Young Genevieve- Im never gonna be good enough ! Im sick of always being perfect !

Tigs: Oh no...

Ludel: How awful.

Skye gently takes her hand as her young mother's hand.

Skye- Come with me.... Mom.

Young Genevieve looks and stood up before she follows her daughter slowly transforming back into her adult self.

The akuma is in her necklace still*

She then takes her to the others waiting at the front of the forest.

Once Skye takes her now grown mother to her group everyone sees her.

Catrina- Genevieve !

Catrina tearfully hugged her daughter as Genevieve cries remembering how she hurt her mother long ago as all her friends from outsidd watch

Genevieve: It's okay, let me take your necklace honey *as she removes the necklace*

She breaks it and the akuma tries to fly away, but Catrina caught it in the jar*

Tea- Does thst mean we still have to contain our own Kitsune forms ?

Foxy: Yes, we must

Ava- Awww !

Skye- You guys can go. I need to thank someone first

Genevieve: No please, come with me

Skye looks away and sighs.

Skye- Mom. The Kitsune is a part of me. It taught me how free I can be being myself. I can't just abandon it...

Before they could talk more , they see their ancestor Ahri

Genevieve looks*

Skye and her family are shocked. Skye sees Ahri smiling happily that she decided to keep the gift she was born with

Her friends see Ahri

Savy: Who is that?

Ludel: Must be her ancestor

Skye- Great great gradnmother Ahri ?

Ahri nodded yes*

Skye- I... Im not going to regret keeping this form , am I ?

Ahri lifts her up*

Skye- Whoa !

Ahri takes her to the sky*

Skye looks above and her eyes sparkle at the sight.

1 month later....

After Savy caught the akuma and giving Genevive a magical charm and fixing the concert*

Skye smiles happily as everything is back to normal

However everyone is enjoying getting some kitsune merchendise*

Tea- Can't believe you made and hid all that merchandise sis. Can I uave one ?

Skye- Do you have five bucks ?

Tea is shocked before Skye laughs

Skye- Im joking! Im joking sis , of course you can !

Tea chuckles and gets a Kitsune plushie

Savy and the others came*

Amy: Hi Skye!

Skye- Hi guys !

They hugged her*

Petunia: We're going to the mall, you want to come with us?

Skye- Of course !

Genevieve: Honey, you becarful okay?

Skye- I will Ma. Love you.

Skye hugs her mother

Genevieve hugs her back: Love you too

Skye left with her friends*

The End

Skye the nine tailed foxWhere stories live. Discover now