Vero got the moon crystal

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Back in heaven, Jennifer told her parents about her proposal*

Calixta- Aww honey thats wonderful !

Thorn: This is fantastic! So when do you want to plan on your wedding?

Calixta- Hmm. Im not sure.

Dracorex: How about next week?

Jennifer- That sounds right ! Jade can help with a few stuff.

Jade scampered in

Thorn: Hello Jade

Jade smiled and bowed before scampering over to Jennifer

Jennifer picks him up*

Jennifer- Of course my little moon rabbit will help~

Jennifer nuzzles him

Jade smiles*

Back with the Weaselings...

Arabella is meditating her fear of spiders

Malikai puts Lotus, Secrecy and Freddy to bed*

Arabella- Brrooooooo !! What are you doiiiiiiiiing ?!

Malikai: Yipes!

Arabella- What are you doiiiiiiiiiing ?

Malikai: I'm putting the kids to bed

Arabella- Im hungreeeeeeeeeeeeee !

Malikai: Okay okay geez

With Void...

Vero is all worn out from the sugar

Void: Hey son?

Vero lools at him and babbles

Void: Next week you are gonna have your first mission

Vero gasped asn his eyes sparkled

Vero- Aba ?

Void: Yes, your mission is to get the real moon crystal, The sailor moon gang can't resist a cute baby like you

Vero chews on his hand as he lools at him

Void chuckles*

One week later*

Savy: I'm excited to see the concert next month

Moxxie: Savy, are you sure you want to bring Skye with us?

Lexy: Yeah, but we need to think of a way we can persuade Skye's mom

Skye nodded

Vero arrives on Earth, he looks around for Serena and the girls*

Vero babbles

Vero crawls to them*


Vero lools at her.

Vero- Eh ?

Mina: Awwwwww!

Rei: He's so cute!

Lita: I know!

Michiru and Haruka holds him as he coos

Amara: So adorbs!

Vero sees the two cats*

Luna and Artemis immediately sensed Vero amd hissed.

Luna- Girls put that baby down right now !

Serena: How dare you two, it's just a cute baby!

Vero looks at Artemis neck, he's wearing the REAL moon crystal, Vero babbles and crawls to him*

Artemis backed away and hissed at him.

Artmeis- No! Stand back baby! I don't wanna hurt you !

Vero hugs him*

Ami: Awwwwww! So adorbs!

Vero grabs the real moon crystal from Artemis*

Serena: No no baby, put that down, it's not a toy.

Vero looks at her, he put the moon crystal in his mouth and swallows it*

Artemis- No ! Give that back !

Serena: No! Bad baby!

Vero has tears*

Ami: No no no don't cry!

Michiru: There might be a chance it might come out from his diaper

Luna- No ! Serena , girls , look what you've done ! You let him touch the Moon Crystal !

Haruka glares and crosses her arms.

Haruka- I am NOT changing him!

Mina- Sorry. I dont want my pretty hands dirty. I just filed and painted them a few minutes ago

Serena picks him up: I'll do it, but first we need to get him food so he can take a number 2 *puts him down on the chair* Now you stay here, we'll be right back *as they left*

Void appears and he grabs Vero: Heheheh, suckers... *as he teleported away*

He arrives back in the castle*

Void: Good work son, you had in your stomach right?

Vero regurgitated it out*

Vero giggles and claps his hands

Void: Wow! *picks it up* Gross but impressive *lifts up Vero* I'm so proud of you! Did you see this kids? Your baby brother stole the real moon crystal!

They cheered as the pregnant Vexa becomes emotional and wails again

Vexa- Even a baby can do it! I can't do anything around here !

Vero looks, he crawls to her, he holds a japanese cookie for her*

Vexa sees and gasped.

Vexa- For me ?

Vero nodded: Beh beh

Vexa- Awww ! You're so sweet !

Vexa snuggles him before he gets an idea

Void looks*

Vero crawls to him amd babbles

Void: Yes son?

Vero babbles and shows him a meditating stand Void takes sometimes

Void: Oh, for me?

Vero nodded and also shows him a nice stress rubber stick to bend when he's stressed

Void: Awwww, thank you son

Vero goes to crawl to him

Void picks him up: I'm so proud of you, I can't wait to see Sailor Moon's face when she sees you and the moon crystal gone

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