Jennifer's wedding

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With Jennifer, today is her wedding day*

Jemnifer giggles amd blushes as she pets Jade.

Jennifer- Jade , today's the day...

Jade nodded yes*

Jennifer is in a lovelh white and ice blue dress

Dracorex is in a nice tux*

Thorn and Calixta are at the wedding

Thorn held Calixta's hand*

Calixta smiles before they see Jennifer walking down the aisle and Kelly and the other girls are at the wedding too

Aphrodite smiles big*

Kelly giggles as Jennifer smiles and made it to the alter

Dracorex holds her hands*

Jennifer smiles lovingly.

Chang E- Dearly beloved. We are gathered here today to join this rex and this goddess' daughter in eternal marriage...

Dracorex smiles*

Chang E- Do you , Dracorex take Jennifer to be your lawfully wedded wife ?

Dracorex: I do

Jennifer blushes

Chang E- And do you , Jennifer , take Dracorex to be your lawfully wedded husband ?

Jennifer smiles: I do

Chang E- Jade , my little moon rabbit, may I have the rings please ?

Jade came to her with the rings*

Chang E takes the rings and gives them to Jennifer and Dracorex who placed them onto each other's fingers

Chang E- By the power invested in me, I now pronounced you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride

Dracorex kisses Jennifer*

Jennifer smiles and kisses him back Everyone cheers as her parents smile

Time Skip...

Everyone is celebrating their Marriage*

Aku came to Calixta: Hello my dear

Calixta-( Blushes ) Aku ! Hello

Aku: What did I miss?

Calixta- Well my daughter jist got married a couple minites ago

Aku: That's wonderful!

Calixta- Thank you

Aku looks at the married couple*

Jennifer giggles as Dracorex holds her.

Calixta- Is something wrong ?

Aku: No, nothing at all

Calixta turnd to him

Aku: So how's your husband?

Calixta- He's doing great. How about your family ?

Aku: Doing well, just dad is finding another way to scheme

Calixta- Oh dear...

Aku: I know

Calixta- So what now ?

Aku: Want to hang out?

Calixta nodded yes*

Back with Nowhere King*

Vanilla Fleur is walking in the valley by herself after she dung with Mittens and Domink

Nowhere King sees her*

Vanilla senses something

Nowhere king: Mom?

Vanilla gasped at the voice.

Vanilla- E--Elkerto ?

Nowhere king: Hello mom

Vanilla gasped in shocky by looking at him

Vanilla- E--Elkerto ? Is that really you ?

Nowhere King: Yes, me and the bad man split into two, now I became this

Vanilla walked closer as she feels her eyes tear up as she feels his sludgy body

Vanilla- How could you turn yourself into this ? More importantly ? Where have you been all this time ? I searched both Centaurworld and Earth to find you and you never came home !

Nowhere King: Been running away from home, killed lots of homes, now live at Void's castle. *holds Secret* And I want you to meet your grandchild.

Vanilla sees Secret and gasoed

Vanilla- Wait... Princess Secrecy... Is my granddaughter ?

Secret bleats*

Vanilla cries happily and pets Secret.

Vanilla- Awww... She's a cutie

Nowhere King: She really is

Vanilla- But... You're not killing innocent people are you ?

Nowhere King: Not today

Vanilla- So.... You're that monster who killed those alpacataurs...

Nowhere King: Yes, out of anger...

Vanilla- you know... I really missed you... I thought you were dead...

Nowhere King: I missed you too mom

Vanilla hugs her son.

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