Skye stands up to her mother

5 0 0

Skye happily runs freely through the streets as she chuckles and feels free for once

She sees the concert*

Skye sees this and jumped form car to car until she high tailed into the sky and landed into the Toon Center

Skye keeps on running, she made it to the rooftop concert and sees her friends*

She jumped down and makes it to them.

Skye- Savy ! Malikai ! Guys !

Savy: Skye! *hugs her* You made it!

Skye- I did !

Malikai and the others see her

Malikai: Hey Skye, look, I'm sorry for yelling at you.

Skye- Really ?

Malikai: Yes really

Skye smiles and huga him

Skye- I forgive you

Ein: Um, hey Skye

Skye- Ein ?! Pierce ?!

Pierce: Yeah, we like to go to the concert too

Skye- You're a fan too ?!

Crystal- Why are you guys here besides the concert ?!

Ein: Because we love the band! Plus we're sorry we threw mud at Savy

Skye- You should be and I didn't have to attack you if you just stopped

Ein: Right

The concert is starting*

Skye- Here it is !

They see the boy band singing*

The girls screamed happily*

The heroes helped Skye get through to try to get on stage*

Before Skye could get close to the stage...

???- SKYLAR !!!!!

They looked*

Skye looks as well before they see two glowing red eyes glaring down at them

Morty: Uh oh...

Savy: Let's run!

Skye- No wait !

The eyes then separate the ceiling walls revealing to be Genevieve as Kitsuzilla in her kaiju sized kitsune form.

Skye- Wait... Mom?!

Kitsuzilla bursted and jumped right in as several toons run away.


Everyone screams and runs*

Kitsuzilla spotted her her daughter.

Kitsuzilla- SKYLAR!!!

Skye and her friends ran into her fox family

Skye- Dad what happened to mom ?!

Kevin- Its her rage kitsune form ! She's finally let it out !

Skye- You didn't tell me she's almost as big as Godzilla !!

Savy sees the necklace with no jade on it: Skylar, your mom's been akumatized!

Skye- What?! Someone must've Akumatized her Kitsune! Innari !

Innari flies to her: I'm here Skye!

Skyr- Let's transform!

Skye takes out her Lotus blossom hair clip and places it on.

Skye- Innari , Tails out!

Innari went in the hair clip, Skye transforms*

She transforms into Lady Kitsune'onna

Tina: Wow, not bad.

Savy: What should we call you?

Skye- Call me Tsarina Kitsune !

Savy Awesome, Smarty, let's go backstage to transform!

Smarty- Got it !

Catrina- Let's make the circle !

But before Kitsune Tsarina could leave Kitsuzilla grabs her

Kitsuzilla- You are in a lot of trouble missy !

Tops: Let her go!

Kitsuzilla glares and sees.them

Kitsuzilla- You Weasels ! Go home ! Act normal ! Put some decent clothes on !

Skye is angry*

Skye- Mom let me go !

Kitsuzilla- This isn't you Skylar !

Skye- This IS ME!!!

Tsarina Kitsune turns into her Kitsune form as well and bites her tail making her let go of her as she lands safely and transforms into a falcon to fly around and distracted

Kitsuzilla- Oh, you think you're SO mature ! So grown to disobey your MOTHER.!!!

Savy and Smarty came out as Ladybug and Cat noir*

Savy: Geniveve! We can help you!

Kitsuzilla: I'm not Geniveve anymore! I am Kitsuzilla!!

Skye- ( As a falcon ) Mom this isn't you !


Skye has to confess she lied*

Skye- MOM ! It's not their fault ! It was all me !!

Kitsuzilla froze.

Skye- They didnt force me to go to that party! I have a life of my own! I love my friends ! I love partying , caring , having fun ! I WANTED to! Im a Kitsune Princess! Im a Pokémon trainer, a friend , a neighbor , A WIFE AND A MOTHER! IM 38 LOOKING LIKE IM 23 AND IM A GROWN ASS WOMAN SO DEAL WITH IT !!!!!

Kitsuzilla froze in shock

They are shock she stood up to her*

Morty: Awesome!

After being talked down Kitsuzilla roared in fury

Savy: Skye, we need to find the akuma!

Skye- You guya do that ! Ill distract her ! Grandma you and the others make the circle !

Mega Tsarina Kitsune runs off 

Skye the nine tailed foxWhere stories live. Discover now