Helping Kitsuzilla

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In Void's lair...

They are watching this

Void: Heheheh...

Mordred: This is fun to watch.

Aku: Where did you put the akuma?

Void: It's not in her necklace, but in her past self's necklace..


Skye growls*

Vexa notices something.

Vexa- Um Dad ?

Void: Yes sweetie?

Vexa- I think the fox has some kijd of..... Kwami

Void: Another kwami?!

Vexa- Yes ! Look !

They look at the early clips and see Innari the nine tailed kitsune kwami flying to Skye before transforming

Void: Impressive.

Vexa- She's so cute !

Void thinks of capturing her later.

Ahri looks and recognizes her

Ahri: My kwami!

They look at her and she looks down

Ahri: I... I thought I'd never see her again.

Back at the concert*

Genevieve- After all I done for you how could you be so CRAAAAAAAAASS ?!

Morty: She's pretty loud!

Skye- Oh that's nothing ?! You wanna see crass ?!

Skye then dances freestyle as she does some 80s dance moves

Genevieve- What are you doing?! Stop moving like that ?!

Savy: Yeah Skye!

Greg: You go honey!

Skye- Does it bother you ?!

Genevieve covers her eyes embarrassed as she backs away

Pentol: How is the sand coming along!?

Catrina- It's all ready. Come on girls !

Catrina , Mei Ling , Fox , and Foxy Roxy try to chant as Skye dances more

Genevieve- No ! No stop it !

Slick: She's gonna fall!

But Genevieve resisted ad she tries to grab Skye with her tails.

Genevieve- Why canr you be a perfect daughter and listen to me for once ?!

Skye jumped omto her face.

Skye- Im sorry Im not perfect !

She jumped off and runs onto her back

Skye- Im sorry Im not good enough !

Malikai: Hurry! Hurry!

Skye- And Im sorry IM NOT LIKE YOU!!!

Skye then crashed into her forehead causing her to black out and fall dowm onto the ground

Tops: Oh no!

Skye- Mom!

Slye ran over to her and started pulling her one tail

Skye- Mom ! Im sorry ! You have to get in the circle !

Malikai: Sibs, get in our savage forms, we need to help her!

Aravella- Awww yeah !

The Weaselings all bursted into their savage forms.

Tigs- Come on , let's go !

They tried to pull Kitsuzilla's tail*

Jason: Grrrrr! It's not enough! We need more help!

Savy: We need to find out where the akuma is, lucky charm! *as a jar appeared* A jar? Of course, it must be inside the kitsune realm!

Grandma grabs the jar: I'll get the akuma ladybug, you wait outside the circle!

Tea- Ava ! Foxy ! Aunt Nikki, Grandma Mei we need to help her !

Ava: Okay sis!

Foxy , Tea , and the others all smashed their jewels and turned i to their kitsune forms before joining in.

Foxy grabs a tail next to Jason.

Foxy- Make room for thw Foxes , Jason !

Jason: Alright!

Grandma: Once we get her in the circle, you weaselings leave the circle!

Tops: Got it!

Tops sees Ava's puffy and fluffy three tailed kitsune form

Tops: Your so cute!

Ava- Awww ! You look er--fluffy in your savage form !

Tops giggles: Thanks!

They pulled Kistuzilla in the circle*

Skye and her family started to chant with the help of Savy , Ein , Pierce , Crystal , and Amy singing Nobody Like U

They got Kitsuzilla in the circle, the weaselings get out of the circle*

Arabella- Good lucky Skye!

Savy watches as Skye and her family started to levitate in the circle.

Skye the nine tailed foxWhere stories live. Discover now