Chapter 11: Walls Have Ears

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Declan looked at his phone as the wolf in the back of the truck gave a whine. Drystan leaned over the front seat. "We should make a stop at the police station."


Levi was glancing at the large wolf currently scratching its ear in the back. He coasted to a stop at an empty streetlight.

"Because Brian needs a change of clothes, and Gray has some in his car."

Declan turned to give Brian a raised eyebrow and say something, when Levi cut him off. "Wait! Brian!?" He turned to look at the wolf. "You're a werewolf!?"

Declan was quickly texting away when he added, "Werewolves. Plural."

Levi turned back around to stare at the empty intersection.

Drystan shot Delcan a worried look, who was also looking at Levi with worry. "Levi?" He turned wide eyes on Drystan. "You okay?"

"I... don't think I should be driving."

Drystan looked at Brian, who was giving him a look that screamed no. "I was about to say Brian could drive, but he's currently naked under that fur."

Declan squeaked and slapped Levi's shoulder. "I don't think you have a say in that." He pointed out his window when Levi looked at him.

"What do you mean?" The three other occupants leaned over to look out Declan's window. They all watched as the air ripped apart to let another grayer werewolf through. Levi glanced at the red light. He gave a shaky laugh. "What is my life?" He popped the truck into gear and ran the red light with a screech of tires.

The werewolf gave chase, and Drystan swore as Declan made a frantic call. "Police station. Gray is there. He can help us."

"What about Laik!?"

Levi made a face, "Of course, the guy at the auto shop is a werewolf."

"He was heading for Levi's house on human foot."

Brian gave a grumble. Declan made a face, "I'm not calling him. He already said he wanted the wolf from the forest, and the scent matched the one he brought back."

Drystan leaned over the seat as Levi made a tight turn down a street. "Will you at least let him know about the change in plans? I left my phone charging at Levi's house."

Declan rolled his eyes and quickly sent the text message. "There. Sent."

Levi glanced at the side mirror to see the gray werewolf gone. "Guys, I can't see them." He looked over his shoulder to see if he could see the werewolf.


Quickly twisting around, Levi hit his breaks, and they watched as the truck came to a hard stop in front of the gray werewolf. Levi let out a hiss of pain from stomping down on the breaks. They all stared at the wolf. Levi glanced down at the stick shift. His hands gripped the steering wheel tight to stop the current shaking they were doing. After all this was done, and over he was not going to be okay.

Fake it till you make it.

Levi gave a shaky grin as he shifted his foot and gave the engine a good rev. A wild thought crossed his mind. Drystan asked hesitantly, "Levi, what are you thinking?"

"Something stupid. Brace." He grabbed the stick shift and popped the clutch into reverse. The gray wolf charged after them. Levi quickly hit the breaks only to pop the clutch. He winced when he heard the gears grind. "Not good, not good." The wolf leapt at them, and he accelerated forward. His tires screeched, causing the three weres in his truck to wince, and shot forward. The truck sunk when the wolf landed on the roof. Its feet were yanked out from under it as Levi pushed his truck to go faster. Drystan turned around to find the gray werewolf rolling off its back to give chase.

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