Chapter 12: Congrats It's A Werewolf

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Rhea finished putting everything in the fridge before turning to the officer that showed up. "Okay, I'm done. Have you heard anything on how Levi is doing?"

The officer looked over from where he was sitting on a chair, watching the door. He pulled out his phone to look at it. "Nothing yet, Rhea."

Rhea frowned and quickly wiped her hands off as she approached the young man with black hair and green eyes. She placed her hands on her hips as she looked down at his seated form. "And Kevin will explain everything? Last I checked, he was the mechanic of the town and not part of the police force."

The young man gave a hesitant laugh. "It's something he's a part of that involves the whole town. I can't say 'cause he wanted to tell you everything. It's not my place."

"Uh huh." Rhea crossed her arms. "Right. And how does this apply to the child I raised and is just as much my son?"

"It's really not my place."

"What was your name again?"

The young man smiled as he answered. "Lukas Rush."

"Right." Rhea leaned forward, causing Lukas to sweat as he leaned back in his seat. "What. Is. Going. On?"

Lukas stumbled over his words as he tried to find a way out from under her steely gaze. "As much as I want to tell you, we should go now. The sooner we get there, the faster you can talk to Kevin."

Rhea narrowed her eyes and turned away to grab her stuff. "Let's go." She was already walking towards the front of the store as Lukas scrambled to his feet.

"Wait, let me check to make sure it's safe."

Rhea looked at him with a suspicious glare. "Safe?"

"Y-yes, ma'am." Lukas slowly inched his way past her. "Gray would hang me out to dry if something happened to you." Once he was past her, he scrambled for the door just as a loud howl was heard. Rhea watched as all color drained from his skin. "Oh god."

He rushed for the door and pushed it open. Rhea pushed past his arm just in time to see Levi hobbling down the sidewalk. She felt her blood run cold at the sight of the large beast that dropped down behind Levi. Levi seemed to shrink away from the large beast as it stood up to tower over her son. Her body moved without thinking.

Lukas tried to catch her arm as she rushed for her car. She kept her eyes on the large beast as it stalked towards Levi. Not again. She wouldn't lose more of her family. Rhea yanked her door open to pull out her shotgun from under the back seat. Lukas gave a shout. "Rhea, wait!"

Muscle memory had her loading the shotgun as she stormed towards the large beast. She snapped the barrel shut and pulled back on the pump. "Levi! Down!"

Levi dropped as Rhea lifted the shotgun and pulled the trigger.

The beast jerked from the shot with a yelp that was drowned out by the sound of the shotgun. Rhea watched as it staggered, "Levi."

Levi's head popped up, and he quickly scrambled to his feet, forgetting the stuff in his hands for the cane on the ground. He quickly hobbled over to Rhea. "Mom, you need to run."

"Like hell. Get behind me."

Levi grabbed her upper arm. "No, mom, we need to run now!"

Lukas rushed over just as Rhea lifted her shotgun and aimed it at the beast. "If you think I'm turning my back on this damn beast with you out here...." She trailed off when it turned to look at them. A snarl on its face. "Is that a bear or a wolf!?"

Levi stepped closer to her. "He's a werewolf."

Rhea paused as the words were processed, and she looked at him, "A what?"

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