Chapter 52: Broken Sparks

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Kevin looked up when the elements grew intense. Luciana called out from where she was sitting on the other side of the table he was leaning on. "He's angry."

A frown appeared on his face. "That's not good."

A few minutes passed, and then howls erupted from the woods as the trees started shifting in their places. He could hear the fear as the pitch increased before slowly growing quiet. It was Aaron who spoke his thoughts, "Glad I'm not in there. Technically, I'm not part of the pack."

"No, but the land would recognize you."

Michael watched as the winds howled louder than the wolves in the distance. "Something pissed him off."

Luciana nodded as she turned to the map. "We will have to wait and see what happened."

Michael rubbed at his face as he sighed. When Aaron gave his shoulder a reassuring squeeze, Michael smiled at him. "Everything will be okay."

"And yet Cain's end of things has been suspiciously quiet." He had felt the anger and the way he was becoming tired. Michael had to remind himself multiple times that Cain was capable of taking care of himself.

A few minutes later, when the ground started to level out more, Kevin stood straighter as he yelled, "Alright, time to round up the unwelcome visitors!"

"Alpha Lowell."

Kevin jumped again at the sound of Arrow's voice. He glared at the cheetah. "What?"

"Tate needs medical and a group of people on him."

"What happened?"

"Cain has been buried under trees and dirt."

Michael was already climbing to his feet, but Luciana was quicker in standing up. She waved her hand at him. "Sit. You can't even help. You're unable to move your arm."


"I can help. Elements are part of my magic tricks anyways." She looked at Kevin. "I'll go get the things I need. Send your wolves and the medical team to me. It will be easier to transport if I can set up a door. Arrow, I need you to let Tate know I need a mark for a door where he is at."

Kevin gave a nod as he turned to look for Bryce. "Bryce is a doctor. We also have Niki somewhere around here. Also, one more medical team is still here." He turned back to Luciana to see Arrow finally disappear, "Really hate when he does that."

"Hide and go seek was always interesting when he played with me and Levi," Michael muttered as he slumped against the table.

"How's your head?" Aaron's question had Michael waving away his concern.

"It's fine."


"I'm too worried to focus on how much pain I'm in."

Aaron sighed as he slowly placed a hand on Michael's shoulder. When Michael didn't pull away, he rubbed it along stiff shoulders. A sigh left Michael.

Luciana looked over Michael and Aaron before saying, "You two should head for the hospital. We'll meet you there."

Michael shook his head. "I need to go with. I know Cain's medical information."

With a sigh, Luciana finally turned away, "I'll be getting everything ready."

Aaron gave Michael's shoulder a squeeze before taking a seat next to him. "Stubborn."

Michael smacked the back of his hand against Aaron's shoulder. "Don't you start."

Aaron caught his hand before it could drop, and Michael looked at him in question. There was a smile there as he stared at Michael. "What?" Michael was worried now. "Aaron?"

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