Chapter 19: Echo

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Cain yawned as he walked out of the spare room. He glanced at Levi's room to find it empty. The door was wide open showing the bed a mess of blankets. After making a quick stop in the bathroom to relieve his bladder, he made his way down the stairs. He was about to make his way to the kitchen when there was a soft knock at the new door. Glancing out of the peephole, he unlocked the door and yanked it open.

Sacha gave him a grin and Cain stepped to the side. Once Cain closed the door, Sacha tugged at his arm. Cain couldn't help the grin. "What are you doing?" He pulled them into a small corner off to the side of the stairs.

Sacha couldn't help the chuckle when he turned to Cain and found him already stepping into his space. It took so long to get him to trust him. His fingers were gentle as they tipped Cain's chin up. He pressed a quick kiss to Cain's lips and pulled away. Cain made a sound of displeasure in the back of his throat. "Get back here, you jerk." Sacha gave an amused rumble as he was pulled into another kiss, this one longer and deeper.

Cain pulled away and cleared his throat as he reached out to pat Sacha's chest. He paused and pulled his hand away. He cleared his throat again. "Right. Still on a job."

Sacha wrapped his arm around Cain's waist. "When you get to relax, take a week. I want to take you somewhere. Just us."

"Are we going to leave the room this time?"

When Sacha shot him a deadpan look, Cain laughed. "I'm sorry who kept pulling me back into the room?"

Cain shrugged. "I'm not going to apologize. It was one of the most relaxing weeks I've had."

"I'd be surprised if you didn't. You almost wore me out." There was a sound from the kitchen and Cain quickly stepped away. Sacha frowned but straightened his back as Cain warily glanced at the living room. "Anyways, you and me for a week."

He kept an eye on the living room as he asked. "And where are you taking me?"

Sacha shrugged, the movement catching Cain's attention. "It's a surprise."

Cain rubbed his thumb over his finger as he slowly asked. "What kind of surprise?"

"Reason it's a surprise is I'm not sure when your week off is. I'll give you the general location but not the venue."

"I don't like surprises."

"I know. But this one you'll love." Sacha gently caught his worrying hand. He pressed a kiss to the back of it and smiled at him. "Besides, it depends on when you get your job done."

Cain made a sound in the back of his throat before pulling his hand away. He rubbed his hand over his reddening cheeks at the look Sacha was giving him. "Stop." When Sacha chuckled he swatted at his arm. "Stop, I know what you're thinking."

Sacha palmed the back of his head and dipped down to kiss his forehead. "You're adorable."

Cain jumped when Aaron's voice sounded behind him. "I thought I heard talking. Morning."

"Good morning," Sacha grinned. Cain was glaring at Sacha with his back turned to Aaron.

"Cain, Levi is in the backyard, I'm going to make a quick run to get clean clothes and food."

Cain cleared his throat and nodded before swiftly moving for the kitchen. Sacha caught his red ears, a chuckle slipping out. He turned to Aaron, "We'll keep an eye on him."

"Okay. Lily is with Rhea. They went to get groceries while it's quiet."


Aaron quickly left the house, leaving Sacha to follow after Cain. He started humming as he walked through the kitchen. Cain was filling a glass with water when Sacha found him. He was staring out the small window above the sink. "What's he doing?" Sacha looked over Cain's shoulder to find Levi in sweats and a long sleeve shirt. "His feet are going to be cold." They watched as he slowly walked through some fighting stances. "Where does Rhea keep the spare blankets?"

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