Chapter 37: Jump

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Echo kept his head down as he waited next to Wyatt. Wyatt glanced at his watch with a frown. "They should be here already."

The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end when he heard it. "Behind us."

Twisting around, Wyatt growled. Echo glanced over his shoulder and froze as the wolf that's been chasing Levi made an appearance. A group of shuffling hunters followed him. "Sean."

"Wyatt. How are you doing?"

"Should have let you die."

Sean grinned. "I'm hurt."

"Where's Thaddeus?"

"I'm going to make sure that boy is the right one. Then I'll take you to your brother."

"Half brother." Wyatt glanced at Echo. "What do you mean the right one?"

"Come on, Wyatt, you think I'm that stupid? I've already seen the little imposter that follows after the boy." He peered at the hooded Echo. "Mediators don't have claws and sharp teeth."

Echo tightened his grip on the pocket knife. He slipped the blade out as Sean walked closer to him. Wyatt stepped in front of him and asked again. "Where is Thaddeus?"

Sean lunged for Echo, and Wyatt shoved his palm against Sean's throat. Sean wheezed as he stumbled back. Shooting Wyatt a glare, he rubbed at his throat. "Don't forget who showed you everything."

Sean straightened up and growled. "Pull the hood off."

Echo slowly raised the whistle to his lips as he hid behind Wyatt. "Show me Thaddeus."

When Sean tried to reach for Echo again, Echo blew the whistle causing Wyatt and Sean to clap their hands against their ears in pain. The hunters reacted just as Echo stepped around Wyatt. He lunged for Sean, who stepped back in surprise, barely dodging the pocket knife. Echo stepped forward again and managed to knick Sean, who hissed and recoiled. One of the Hunters lunged for Echo, who jumped away and ducked Wyatt's hands.

Echo took off into the tree cover with Wyatt and Sean chasing after him.


The sound of the radio crackling to life grabbed Brian's attention. "There are people sneaking up to the house." Levi looked at the radio in worry. "Are you guys still on the move?"

Brian grabbed the radio to answer. "We're taking a small break. Laik said we were almost to the second turn."

"Okay. Everyone is ready on our end."

"Alright. Be careful."

"I have Rendy with me. You guys are sitting ducks."

"We'll manage." Brian looked at Laik to find him picking up the food wrappers with his claws. "We'll let you know when we make it to the second turn."


Once the radio was quiet, Levi looked at his lap. "Will everyone be alright?"

"Yeah, Kevin split the pack in three. The house, the trade point, and those who can't fight."

"What about my mom?"

Nas spoke up from where he was sitting in sweatpants. "Gray is with her. He volunteered."

Levi rolled his eyes. "He's got a crush a mile wide on her. So of course he would."

"Everyone will be fine." Nas gave Levi's shoulder a pat.

Levi slowly climbed to his feet as Nas quickly shifted. Once everything was packed away, they pushed forward to the next turn.


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