Chapter 53: Good New, Bad News

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When Levi opened his eyes, he half expected to still be in the mines. Instead, he found a ceiling and dim lighting. There was a TV on somewhere, casting a glow in the dim room, along with a low light behind him. The faint beeping was familiar as he slowly became more aware of his surroundings. He could pick up soft talking somewhere near him. A familiar murmur that had him relaxing.

Movement off to the side had him turning his head slowly, looking over to find Laik's lanky form awkwardly stretched out on a small couch. His head turned to look back at the ceiling, and he let out a soft sigh. He was exhausted.

"Go back to sleep, Levi."

Levi felt a weak grin pull at his lips. His eyes were already growing heavy with each blink he made. "You first."

An amused sound slipped out of Laik. He must have said something, but it was lost as Levi was pulled back under by his exhaustion.

When he came back around again, it was because of an itch along his arm. He tried to scratch it but met hard plaster. A grumble left him, which caused a hand to touch his opposite arm. When he flinched away from the sudden contact, the hand quickly retreated. He felt embarrassed when his mom spoke up, "It's okay. I didn't mean to startle you." Anger at himself quickly burned out the embarrassment.

When he looked at her, she smiled. Rhea looked relieved and exhausted as she reached out to run a hand through his hair. "I'm glad you're starting to come around more." She kept soothing her hand through his hair. "It's okay. You can sleep still."

His eyes were drooping as he muttered something.

"Everything is okay." A pass of her hand. "Merry Christmas, Levi."

Levi tried to say the same, but he was pretty sure it came out garbled.

This time, when he fell back to sleep, he opened his eyes to find himself sitting up on the bed. It was odd at first, and then Pax shoved the door open to find Levi looking back with wide eyes. "You're okay!" Pax was across the room, tugging a surprised Levi into a strong hug.

Levi slowly wrapped his arms around Pax. "Everything hurts." He felt Pax's grip tighten around him. "I'm in the hospital."

"That's good." Pax winced as he pulled away, only to find Levi grinning at him. "I mean... you're somewhere safe at least?"


"Good." He took a step back to look around the room. "As soon as the pass is cleared of snow. I'm leaving to come find you."

Levi nodded as he rubbed at his arm. "I... don't." When he saw the questioning look on Paxton's face, he gave a weak smile. "I... I think I killed someone." Paxton crossed his arms as he watched Levi rub at his face before he muttered. "I don't want to be a mediator, not if it puts my family in danger."

Moving over to the bed, he sat down as he gave a nod. "Okay. I still want to come find you and your mom."

Levi rubbed his fingers over his legs before saying, "She's your mom too."

Paxton shrugged, "Will she... will she know it's me?"

"I don't see why not."

"I don't want to tell you what to do, but at least learn how to use your abilities in case you do need to protect yourself and your family." He watched as Levi frowned, so he quickly added. "You never know what can happen. But I've heard things from mediators visiting where I live. There is something going on between the council and a faction of mediators."

"I'm not choosing any sides because I'm staying out of it." When Levi looked up from where he was picking at the blanket, he found Paxton watching him with an unreadable look. "What?"

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