Chapter 17: Loss

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When the elevator door opened, True was not expecting the man that walked in. He was large, in the sense that he was tall and his overall presence made him feel larger. The man had to be over six feet. As he walked over, he kept his head held high. Even in a tee shirt and jeans, he cut an imposing figure. True felt her wolf's hackles rise as pale green eyes met hers. Without thinking, she took a deep breath and the smell of bear invaded her senses and, oh boy, did that put her on edge.

They stared at each other for a full minute before he raised an eyebrow. "Hello." True eyed the man, from a neatly styled dark almost brown short hair to the fair skinned hand that reached out to her. When she didn't move, he chuckled and pulled his hand away. He smiled, and it immediately broke through his seriousness to show a more open and friendly demeanor "I'm here to visit a patient in this hospital."

True racked her brain for someone who could have smelled like a bear. When no one came to mind, she turned to the computer screen and finally asked. "What's their name?"


"Hold on Laik, let me help this gentleman."

Laik paused as he took in the man at the counter. He quickly leaned over the counter and muttered. "Is Michael here? I need to talk to him." It had been a day since what had happened on the road out of town, but the wolf he'd caught was awake.

"Yes, he has been pacing the room since they went back to run tests."

The man spoke up. "You wouldn't happen to be talking about Michael Lander." When both of them looked at him, True had to reach out to pinch Laik when a low growl started.

"What about him?"

"The patient I'm visiting is his cousin."

Laik blinked and peered at the man as he rubbed the back of his hand. He was just a handful of inches taller than Laik. "And what do you want with Cain?"

Even True seemed to pause to eye the man warily.

"I was on the phone with him when he had his accident."

Laik narrowed his eyes and then recognition finally hit. "So you're his type?"

"Excuse me?"

True hissed, "Laik."

Laik hummed and looked the man up and down. He then nodded, "Honestly, I'm more surprised by what you are."

The man hummed and looked at Laik. "And you're here, why?"

"To see Michael. And let Cain know he's still safe."

When a hand was held out to him, Laik eyed it, "Sacha Petrovich."

Laik took his hand and they shook. "Laik." And now he knew who the bear was. "It's nice to meet you. Was wondering who the bear scent was that followed Cain." Looking at True, who was currently rubbing her temples, he pointed in the direction he needed to go. "I'm gonna go see Michael now."

True held her hands out to Laik. "If you cause trouble I'm calling your mom."

Laik held his hands up. "No trouble." He waved and walked off.

She leaned over the counter and yelled. "I mean it Laik! No trouble!" With an aggravated sigh she turned to the keyboard and jabbed at some keys with a grumble. "Can I see your ID? It says in his records only certain people can see him."

Sacha dug his wallet out of his jeans pocket. "I'm aware. Michael said he'd add me." He held out his driver's license and True looked at it before scanning the list.

"I'll take you there. Michael may be in the same room but Laik and Cain mix as well as oil and water."

Sacha couldn't help the amusement as he followed the small nurse. They crossed into the room as Laik's voice carried out to them. "The guy's awake. He seems scared and confused as to how he ended up with us but then again grandpa is a force on his own."

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