Chapter 22: Take a Turn

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Levi was scared. The heat was growing closer. He couldn't catch his breath that well as the smoke grew thicker. He could make out the small windows, but they were too high. His small hands clutched at his knees as he pressed his face against them. He let out a small sob as tears tracked down his dirty cheeks. There had been sounds of fighting upstairs so he had hidden in the closet under the basement stairs. When it had grown quiet he had climbed the stairs to find large flames blocking his way out. He had tried to find a way out. But everything was too short for him to use to reach the windows. Now he sat in the corner close to the windows watching as the flames flickered closer.

Where was everyone?




He shouldn't have bothered him. Levi shook his head as he let out another sob. He wouldn't bother Michael anymore. He was sorry. "I'm sorry." Levi coughed and rubbed at his face. "I'm sorry." He looked beside him to find an old ratty stuffed snow leopard. Someone's toy was left behind. Picking it up he pressed his face against the fake fur. "I'm sorry."

There was a loud shatter.

He screamed as glass fell near him and the fire spread closer, faster. Levi pressed his face tighter against the toy. A shout above him had him looking up. "Levi!" A younger boy with tawny hair was looking at him.

Levi could feel his tears falling faster as he tried to stand on shaking feet. "Michael!"

"Don't move." The boy shoved at the broken window and fell to the ground landing in the glass. He let out a hiss and shook his hands. "Ouch, ouch." The fire sparked closer causing the boy to recoil toward Levi. "Dad is coming. Okay. He'll stop the fire."

"Levi." A young boy with dark brown hair knelt in front of him and the other boy. He looked familiar. His brother wasn't even looking at this new boy. He smiled, "They can't see me. Remember. Come on." He held his hand out. "Everything is okay."


"It's just a memory. A dream." He looked so familiar. Levi slowly reached out only to flinch when the wood above them gave out. He cried out but the dark haired boy caught his hand. "Wake up. It will be gone when you wake up."

When he opened his eyes he looked around in shock. Everything was muted, the bright flames looked faded, almost like looking at an old photo. The whole room was still as if the room was holding its breath, waiting. Levi looked up at Pax. "You need to wake up." He looked at the frozen flames. Turning he could see a younger Michael throwing himself over his younger self as a large beam started falling. Two hands caught his shoulders pulling his attention. He looked at Pax. They were older now, Pax's hair was longer and hanging in a mess around his face. He looked like he had just woken up and rolled out of his bed in a faded tee shirt and worn sweatpants. "You need to wake up." Pax tightened his hold on Levi's shoulders. "Wake up!"

Levi gasped as he sat up. He scrabbled away from Michael gasping for air. "F-fire! Michael!"

Michael followed after and caught Levi's arms. "Levi." Wide green eyes focused on Michael. "We're in the library. There's no fire."

Levi was shaking as he looked around the dim room. "I..." He pulled his arms away and curled them around himself as he stared at the floor in confusion. Everything was slowly coming back. "I... Pax... he..." He looked at the large burn on Michael's cheek and neck. "I..." Levi wanted to ask. But the frown on Michael's face had him swallowing his words.

"Who's Pax?"

Levi was about to answer, only to jolt in surprise when there was a loud crash near the door. He and Michael looked over in time to see the door rattle again. Michael caught sight of Aaron laying on the floor and he looked at Levi. "Go see if you can open the windows." He quickly moved over to Aaron as Levi moved for the windows. Michael grabbed Aaron's arm to try and turn him over. "Holy shit, why are you so heavy?" Aaron muttered something as Michael flopped him on his back. Michael pressed his hand against Aaron's chest and called his magic.

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