Chapter 15: Recover

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Andrew walked through the front door with a yawn. When Rhea saw him, she let out a surprised sound. "Andrew, what the hell happened to your face?"

The twenty-four year old froze at her worried face and floundered. He let out a long, "Uh..." while rubbing at his short hair.

Tate pushed him forward as he called out. "The idiot got mugged while coming back to the hotel with food."

Rhea rushed over to gently take Andrew's face in her hands. "Did you report it? I can have Gray contact someone over there."

Andrew shook his head and caught her hands. "No, no, I'm fine. You should see the other guy."

Tate gave a snort as he pushed into the apartment. "Is it okay if I take the couch for the night before heading home?"

Rhea looked over at Tate and gave him a smile, "Of course. You don't have to ask anymore." She pulled her hands away and said,"There should be some pizza leftover that I ordered yesterday."

"That sounds great." Tate sat his bag by the couch and headed for the kitchen.

Andrew glanced down the hall, "Is he in bed?"

"Yes, fell asleep an hour ago." Rhea squeezed his arm in comfort. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes." He gave her a quick kiss. Andrew let out a hiss and pressed his fingers to his busted lip. "I keep forgetting about that." Rhea gave him an amused smile. "I'm going to peek in and say hi and then I'll come to eat." She caught his hand and gave it a pat.

"I'm glad you're home."

"Always look forward to coming home."

Andrew waited for her to walk to the kitchen before he stiffly made his way down the hallway. His body was battered. As soon as he closed the door to his and Rhea's room he dropped his duffle and shoved it under the bed on his side. He made his way to the bathroom when a voice spoke up from behind him. "You need to tell her the truth soon."

He looked at the cougar that was sitting in the doorway. "Hello, Arnan. You're supposed to be in your cat form."

Arnan looked at him before changing his form to a siamese cat. He hopped up on the count as Andrew tugged his shirt off and looked at the large bruising along his side. "She's going to find out. And then what?"

"And have her think I'm mad for telling her the truth. I'm good."

Arnan let out a loud sigh. "Fine, be stupid." The cat jumped down and trotted away.

Andrew looked at his image in the mirror and rubbed at his neck. There were only so many times he could get injured before even Rhea questioned it. After quickly adding the ointment he used for bruising, he tugged his shirt on and left the bathroom. Andrew poked his head into the nursery to check on his kid. He slowly moved over to the crib and looked at the small four month old sleeping in the crib. Dark baby hair was messy on his small little head. Every time he saw the small baby, it just amazed him that he made something good. "Hey, I'm going to let you in on a secret. I fight the things that live under the bed, so if you ever hear a monster let me know. I'll make sure you're safe, Paxton."

Andrew moved away from the crib and pressed his fingers to a spot on the bedroom doorway as he left. A rune glowed and then faded into the wood. He left the door open a crack and headed for the kitchen. He was starving.


Levi looked around the bright office space. His mom and he had followed Kevin to his office and ran into Michael and Cain on the way. Kevin looked at the way Michael was leaning on Cain and waved them into the office. "Let's get all of you in here. It might help with the questions to have everyone present."

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