Chapter 50: Before The Storm

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Andrew watched as Tate stood in the middle of the woods with his eyes closed. Orange and gold leaves sat on the ground around their feet. "You can talk to the trees?"

"The opposite actually." In the last four months of working with Tate, he still couldn't place where the slight accent came from. Whenever he asked, Tate would deflect and distract him with something else. The accent came and went, held on some worlds, and disappeared on others. It was like he picked it up from somewhere without knowing it. "Helped someone before I met you. They thought it would be a useful gift for an elemental."

"Who did you help?"

"A forest spirit."

"You shouldn't make deals with spirits. They're one step below making deals with the fae."

"It was a gift with no strings attached. I saved their tree or something. All I know is they didn't want to be indebted to an elemental."

"So now you talk to trees."

Tate shot him an unamused look. "I don't... never mind, waste of air."

Andrew gave him a grin as Tate turned away from him. "Tree whisperer."

With a frown, Tate swung his hand back behind him, and Andrew let out a yelp as he toppled off the rock he was sitting on from the strong gust of wind.

Andrew sat up, "Dick!"

"Brat." Tate swung himself around and started walking off as he yelled. "Come on this way."

"Did the trees tell you that?" He yelled back as he brushed the dirt off of himself.

"No, the footprints did. These trees are dormant since its fall now."

"So you're getting the silent treatment."

Tate rolled his eyes up with a sigh before looking at Andrew. "Why am I stuck with you?"

"Because of cosmic ju ju."

"Right." He turned away from Andrew to keep walking. "Should have said no to working that job."

"Well, that's rude."

"You're a child."

"I'm sixteen!"

"Still a child!"

"This child saved your ass last time!"

Tate sighed. "Once this job is over with, don't follow me. For fucks sake, just stay away, it's better for you."

"No, why do I have to leave." He jogged after him, cursing his shorter legs. Once he was a few steps behind Tate, added. "We're family!"

Andrew jumped when Tate turned around to jam a finger into Andrew's chest. "No, we're not family. Cause family leaves no matter what! People leave!" Tate bared his teeth at him in an imitation of a snarl. "Soon or later, you'll leave too."

"I won't."

"Don't make promises you can't keep."

"I am! I'm not leaving!"

Tate scoffed before walking off. "Let's get this job over. And stop calling me for help!"
"I won't. I'll keep calling until someone makes me stop or I'm physically incapable of doing so."

Andrew could tell Tate didn't believe him when he rolled his eyes at him and turned away. He knew what it was like to be left behind and to lose family. So at that moment, he vowed he would keep pestering Tate until he believed him.


Cain let out a wheeze as he felt Aaron's larger bulk press him into the ground. It felt like a vice was wrapped around his neck. He slapped at Aaron's side and snarled, "Get off!"

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