Chapter 45: Anchors

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TW: loss of limb, mentions of burns


Andrew chased after Paxton as the child let out a shriek of laughter. He was grinning while he slowly made to grab Paxton, who let out another shriek and crawled between the end table and the couch, making the lamp shake. Andrew quickly studied the lamp, chuckling as his son scrambled to his feet to hide under the coffee table. "Oh no. I lost Paxton. Where did he go?"

The giggles from under the coffee table became muffled as he looked around the living room. His phone rang in the kitchen as he picked up the pillows. "Is he under here?" He moved over to the recliner. "What about behind here?" Another round of giggles as his phone's ringing cut off. "He's got to be somewhere around here."

Rhea's voice came from the kitchen. "Hello?"

Paxton quickly climbed out of his hiding spot to wrap his arms and legs around Andrew's leg. "Got you!"

Andrew let out a gasp as he faked a stumble to the ground. "Oh no. He's got me!"

Paxton started giggling harder as Andrew tossed an arm over his forehead.


Andrew closed his eyes only to look back up when Rhea stood over him. "It's Tate." The worry on her face had him sitting up and gently pulling Paxton off his leg.

"What is it?"

"He said there was a fire. He asked if you could come out to them. But that's a day's drive out there?"

Andrew was climbing to his feet. "I'm going to go pack." He took the phone from Rhea. The phone was pressed to his ear as he quickly spoke. "Tate."

"I don't know what happened. The house's on fire, and then they showed up."


"I don't know. They pissed off when the whole force showed up. Some of the human neighbors saw the smoke and called the fire department. The kids are going to the hospital. Celest is with them."

"I'm on my way."

"Don't burn yourself out getting here. It's just me right now. I'm watching as they put the fire out."

"I'll be there." Andrew hung up his phone as he took the steps two at a time to go grab his travel bag. Once he was back downstairs, he walked up to Rhea and gave her a quick hug and kiss on the lips, and knelt to hug Paxton. "I'm heading to Kevin's. He's got a car I can borrow."

Rhea caught his hand before he could fully rush out of the house. "Let them know they can stay here if they need a place. It'll be tight, but we can manage."

"I'll let them know." He gave her hand a gentle squeeze, and then he was leaving the house. Running down the street, he held his hand out as black ink seeped down his skin. They formed black strings that weaved themselves together. The inky strings finished forming, and a reflective surface showed him running forward. "Take me to Alpha Lowell!"

Andrew jumped forward, taking a deep breath as the glass gave way to silver liquid. He was tossed out onto Kevin's porch, where he stumbled. Catching himself on the door, he let out the breath he was holding. The door swung open to show Kevin, who gave him a worried look. "I need to borrow your basement. If Rhea asks, I borrowed a car."

"Do I want to ask?" Kevin waved him into the house as he glanced out into the evening sky. "Did anyone see you?"

"No." Andrew quickly walked to the basement. "Tate's house caught on fire, and then they were attacked."

Kevin growled as he followed Andrew. "That area is a sanctuary for people, anyone living there is protected by the council."

"I don't think they cared."

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