Chapter 57: Brother Oh Brother

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Michael pushed Cain out onto the back porch in time to see Levi get tossed onto the ground. Cain turned in the wheelchair to look at Michael, there was amusement in his voice. "Well... He's still too slow when fighting a were."

Laik called out to Levi, "You're leaving yourself wide open."

"Not like he can fight anyone else."

Levi rolled onto his knees before climbing to his feet. "I just got cleared to do physical activity! I'm going to be rusty!"

"How long was he on bed rest for?"

"Long enough to make sure his bones healed properly. About two or so months, not including the month in the hospital." Michael parked Cain next to the patio table and flopped into a chair. "How's it going for you? I know you pushed to go home with Sacha and see the doctors there."

Cain shrugged, "They can't find anything. So we're trying another doctor." He looked at his legs. "I can move one leg, but the other..."

"Still nothing?"


"So, not something from the swelling like we were hoping."

"Yep." Cain reached out to bump his fist against Michael's shoulder just as Levi let out a swear when Laik put him in a headlock. "I stopped by Kevin's to let him know we're here. He said if I'm looking to mentor Levi, he also needs someone to act as pack mediator until Tate can take over Andrew's spot."

"You going to take it?"

With a shrug, Cain motioned to his legs. "Can't do much. I hate it. Sacha is already planning to move everything into a more accessible place for me. I can't make him move out here."

"You know he'll do it if you asked."

"That's the problem. He's got a well established business there, and he's happy doing it."

Michael shrugged, tracing a finger over the glass of the patio table. "Kevin's pack is a sanctuary pack. It's open to weres that ask for sanctuary. Sacha might be able to offer some help there." When Cain frowned, Micheal shrugged again, "It's just a thought."

Both looked up when Sacha stepped out with a food tray, and Rhea followed with drinks. She yelled out, "Boys! Break time! Levi, there's someone at the front door for you!" Levi jogged up. He grabbed a glass of water. Then gave a nod before draining half the cup.

Levi gave Cain's shoulder an acknowledging pat before heading into the house, with the cup still in hand. Laik flopped in a chair before asking, "Is it Brian?"

"And Hannah."

"She finally getting them to talk?"

"Yep." Rhea sat down with a sigh before reaching out to give Cain's arm a gentle squeeze. "How is everything going?"

"Still unsure about the leg."

"Okay. Let us know as soon as you do."

"You didn't have to have the ramps built."

Rhea shushed and flapped a hand at him, "You're family."

Micahel leaned over and stage whispered. "Careful, next thing you know, she'll offer adoption papers so you can be in the family." He laughed when Rhea tried to swipe at his head around Cain. She huffed and leaned back into the chair. "Levi's birthday is next week?"

"It is. I'm glad he's making up with Brian. He doesn't have many people he calls friends." Then she sat up as she remembered something. "Angel is coming up for his birthday. I don't care how you do it, he needs to stay in town and not go visit. She can't plan her surprise if he visits like he has been."

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