Chapter 26: Time

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Tad stood outside the door to Levi's house, trying to work up the nerve to knock. He took a deep breath in before slowly letting it out. He could do this. It shouldn't be hard to come clean, to just tell everything as it is. He could do this. He took a look at the bracelet around his wrist and touched it. His thumb smoothed over the green stones. "Eight years is a long time in my world."

Looking at the door, he reached out to knock when the door yanked open. He stared in shock at the shorter man on the other side. "Um... Levi?"

His face was a carefully blank mask that put Tad on edge. People who could do that were the ones he tried to avoid angering. Gray eyes flicked down then back up to his face. Tad flushed. Did he just-?

"You're swimming in electrical energy."

"I... am."

The man pulled a small case out just as Levi's raised voice reached them. He looked over his shoulder only to roll his eyes. "Idiot." The case was flipped open while he stepped past Tad, he added. "You might want to wait a minute." Tad watched as he plopped onto an old wicker chair and lit a cigarette. It took him a minute to recognize the sweet scent.

"Those are healing herbs."

"What about it?"

"It's just those are the ones they use if the condition is... well, bad."

"You're tip toeing. It's chronic or uncurable by magic. I take it you've had that talk?"


"How bad is it?"

"Possibly terminal, possibly not. You?"

"Chronic." He touched the top of his head and dragged his finger down behind his ear. "Lucky to still be alive."

"You could get it fixed."

"I could. But I don't trust hospitals any more than I trust weres." The sound of a phone ringing had the man reaching for his pocket. He then muttered under his breath. "Well, most weres."

Tad turned to the door when he answered the phone. He paused and looked at the man on the phone. "I'm Tad."

Gray eyes looked at him, "Cain."

Tad gave a grin as he ducked into the house. Only to frown when he heard Levi shout. "Stop being so annoying!" He stopped when he saw Rhea standing off to the side. She was rubbing her temples and looked like she was ready to fight Levi and Michael.

After a deep breath, he called out. "Hey."

Three heads turned to look at him, and he gave a nervous grin. Levi shot Michael a glare when he saw the way Michael narrowed his eyes at Tad. Rhea looked at Tad with an excited grin. "Tad! You made it."

"I did. Is there anything I can do to help?"

Rhea started off, "No, you-"

"You can leave." Michael yelped in pain when Levi punched him in the arm.

Just then, the front door opened to let in Aaron and Laik loaded with groceries. "We come with gifts!" Laik shuffled past Tad, who quickly stepped to the side. "Lily is getting the rest. I can guarantee, by this time tomorrow, the whole town will think Rhea is prepping a feast for Christmas."

Rhea laughed. "I miss being home."

Just as Levi let out a loud groan of teenage dramatics. "More rumors. That's it! Any questions asked will be getting wildly inappropriate answers!"

"Levi, please, you'll just make them worse." Rhea shook her head when he crossed his arms, mind already set. "Oh my god. Just don't cause anyone to drop from shock."

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