Chapter 16: Find Answers

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The sound of talking had him groaning in pain. He lifted his head up off the deflated airbag letting his head flop back against the headrest. Cain took a deep breath and then another before trying to get his bearings. He could hear muffled noises as he turned his head towards the sound. Slowly he opened his eyes and almost wanted to slam them shut at how bright the light was. Cain rolled his head to the side to look down at the cupholder. His phone was gone, squinting at the passenger side he could make out two of his phones on the seat face up. The screen was dark but the sound was coming from it.


There was a sound from one of the phones and he winced. "Cain."

He looked around the car as he slurred out. "I'm... here." What happened? How? He didn't like this. He didn't want it to happen again. Where was he? He looked out the car window. "Where?"

"Cain, I'm on the phone with Michael."


"Yeah, what's the last thing you remember so he can come find you."

Cain made a sound as he looked around. Everything hurts. "I..." the length it took him to remember anything made his chest tighten. "Sign."


He spoke up louder. "Sign."

He could make out muffled talking. Eyes blinked and then Sacha was yelling. Cain looked at the double phones. "Cain! You need to stay awake."

"I'm 'wake." Looking out the driver's shattered window, he could see figures watching him. His chest tightened up more as panic started to set in. "Wolf." He couldn't move. Why couldn't he move? "Sacha... wolf."

"Can you move?"

They were getting closer. He looked down at his legs, he wasn't pinned. Why couldn't he move? Cain looked back up and felt the fear. Did they find him finally? After all these years. He thought Andrew made sure they couldn't find him. They even changed his name. He let out a wheeze. His chest was getting tighter. He tried to move his arm, and he got a finger to twitch. Why couldn't he move?

He won't go back there.

A black blur rushed across the road and slammed into one of the wolves. It took him a second to focus enough to figure out that Enya was currently fighting them off. He turned away just as she took her human form and shoved a booted foot into one of the wolves' faces. He had to move. Cain glared at his fingers and tried to call something, he could feel the chill of his ice only for it to disappear. He let his head fall back with an aggravated shout.


He looked at the phone. "I... can't." Enya was looking down at him and she quickly cut his seatbelt. There was movement behind Enya. "Behind..."

She quickly turned around in time to avoid claws. Enya caught the wolf and slammed its head against the roof of the car. She hefted the wolf up with a shout and threw it into the other wolf rushing at her.


Enya looked over her shoulder at him. "I can hear sirens."

Cain looked at the phone then he looked back at her. "I can't move."

"They'll find us. Can you feel your legs?"

"No..." He shook his head. "Everything is slow?"

"Slow?" Enya heard the wolves start to get back up and she gave a nod. "Sorry about this." Cain flinched when the driver's door was yanked off. She slammed the door into the wolves and then ran at them.

Cain felt the world tilt as the car rocked from the force of the door being ripped off. Nausea hit him hard and he blinked as his hand pressed to his forehead. His arm was moving, he pulled his hand away and found blood coating it. Cain watched as his arm dropped. Oh, he had a concussion. His fingers twitched and he turned to look at Enya.

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