Chapter 14: Breathe

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Levi found himself slowly waking up. The light of predawn was spilling into the room. The couch he was sleeping on was cramped, and he could feel his neck protesting the angle. His leg throbbed, and he dreaded walking on it. But he had to, because the bathroom was calling. He slowly sat up and swung his legs down to the floor. He let out a hiss of pain as he stood. Slowly, he made his way to the door of the room, opened it a crack and looked out. The house was quiet and still, like the world was holding its breath.

He stepped out into the hallway.

Levi looked around before moving to a door. He opened the door only to find a closet. With a sigh, he closed the door. "Should have asked about the bathroom."

"It's further down."

Levi let out a stifled shriek and twisted around. "The... hell you come from." He hissed at the young child.

"I heard movement and came to see who was up." Reaching out a hand, the child introduced herself. "I'm Skye."

"Uh... Levi." He shook her hand. "The bathroom is where?"

"Further down next to the basement stairs." She scratched at her short hair. "I can show you. The kitchen is near it, and I'm hungry."


Levi followed her to a door, and she pushed it open. The bathroom was a small half bath that had blue tiled walls. "Here you go."


"Welcome." Skye walked away, and Levi stepped into the bathroom.

A few minutes later, he walked back to his room when the front door opened. A woman with reddish orange wavy hair stumbled in with her arms full of canvas bags. Levi rushed over and caught a few bags, and the woman gave Levi a large grin. Bright green eyes were full of light. "Ya must be Levi. The boys never get tired of talking about ya." Levi caught an underlying accent as she talked. "Do ya have those bags?"

"Um..." Levi fumbled a little before straightening them. "Yes, ma'am."

She bustled past him. "Come on. Kitchen is this way." Levi followed after her, and she clicked her tongue. "Skye. I expect to see ya at the table."

Skye was in mid-motion, a spoon halfway to her mouth. She quickly shoveled the cereal in her mouth and spoke around the mouth of cereal. "No one said you were coming."

"Manners, child." The woman set her bags down on the counter and motioned to Levi. "Set down the bags here."

Skye quickly swallowed her mouthful and quickly drained the milk in her bowl. "I can eat more!"

She was about to drop the bowl in the sink when the bustling woman dropped a rag in her bowl. "Wash and go wake the house." Levi set the bags down next to the others as the woman started pulling things out of the bags. "Levi might want to wake ya mum for breakfast. Feeding a pack of wolves is first come, first serve."

"Uh, yeah." He slowly walked out of the kitchen and leaned against the wall. Levi took a deep breath before letting it back out.


Levi looked down the hall to see Drystan standing awkwardly. It was odd until he noticed why. "What the hell happened to your arm?"

Drystan looked down at the brace. "Oh, broken arm. It's always taken me longer to heal. Should be almost healed."

"You got hurt."

Drystan shrugged his shoulders. "I'll be fine. Not the first broken bone."

"But..." Levi rubbed at his arm with his fingers. "Where's Declan?" When Drystan looked away, Levi felt fear and anger bubble up. "What happened?"

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