Chapter 42: Heart Shield

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*TW: homophobia and assumptions are made, abuse, language

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Helena watched as the boy Levi was laid on the ground in the large room by the young man named Kacey. She reached out to press two fingers against his forehead and watched as the magic circle spread out. Stepping back, she glanced at Kacey as he let out a whistle in wonder. "Now that's a spell. Looks more impressive spread out like this."

Helena hummed as she walked around the edge of the circle. It was a large spell. More than one person had to have made it from the size alone. Kneeling, she looked closely only to frown. That was not good. She knew the she-wolf was going to be angry when she heard, but there was only one way to remove the spell so far. She was still studying the spell, when Lauren showed up with another werewolf.

"How is it going?"

"There is only one way to unlock this spell. We need the keys."

Helena could feel the anger directed at her. "There isn't a way to force it?"

"Not without hurting the boy. It's starting to degrade, but I might be able to chip at the degrading part to encourage it to fall apart. It might work, but I wouldn't attempt it without some kind of backlash on the boy."

Lauren huffed and crossed her arms to tap her finger against her arm. The werewolf behind her cleared his throat, and Lauren looked at him. "Right. This is Wyatt. He has a proposition for you."

Helena hummed as she raised a brow. "Oh."

"We'll get to that in a minute. Are you sure you can't break the seal?"

"Not without hurting and handicapping the boy."

"Could the seal affect the abilities being passed on to others? Say a child?"

Helena hummed and looked at the seal. "No." She rubbed her jaw as she thought about it. "No, it shouldn't to that."

Wyatt spoke up, "You might have a problem there, Lauren."

Lauren turned to look at Wyatt with a glare, "What now?"

"He was dating my brother." She stared at Wyatt. "I'm pretty sure he's gay." Lauren narrowed her eyes as Wyatt finally added. "They were sexually active, judging by the large hickeys on my brother's neck." He pointed at Levi. "He left them on him."

Lauren snarled as she turned to kick out at a chair. "What the fuck!"

Helena slid her eyes over to watch Wyatt as he shifted his feet back to avoid Lauren trying to strike out at him. "I guess Sean was wrong about the information he had gained."

With a deep breath in, she looked at Helena who quickly cut her off, "Not even a love potion can fix an orientation."

Lauren crossed her arms as he tapped her fingers against her arm. "Break the seal. I don't care about the outcome. He's useless to me now." She stormed out of the room, leaving Wyatt to turn to Helena.

Helena saw movement and looked at the other man in the room. She felt a chill when she saw the dark look on his face. "Kacey, was it?"

Warning bells were going off as Kacey's expression went from dark to a pleasant smile in the span of a second. Best she finished here quickly before she's caught up in the downfall.


"Keep an eye on the boy. He'll stay asleep until I wake him."


Walking over to Wyatt, she said, "Let's talk. What exactly do you need help with?"

"My brother's heart is being affected but his electric abilities. Is there a way to put a protection around his heart?"

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