Chapter 49: Will That Burns

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Michael paced nearby as Tate poured the mixture of magical herbs and other crushed up odd things into the snow. As he walked and poured, a large circle was slowly taking form. Tate huffed as he finished and tossed the bucket to the side, outside the circle. "We'll find him."

"Cain can take care of himself. I'm worried about Levi."

"I wasn't talking about Cain. He's tougher than he looks. I was talking about Levi."

Michael stoped to look at Tate. "He's not ready."

"Levi is as ready as he'll be. Fate apparently has other plans for him."

Michael made a frustrated sound before snapping, "You sound like mom when she was dying!"

Tate looked at Michael. "Levi won't die."

A grumble left Michael as he scratched at the cast on his arm. "Mom said the same thing."

There was a sigh as Tate looked at Michael. "You should head back to the hospital." When Michael shot him a dark look, he sighed. "I don't want you getting hurt."

"I'm fine." Just as Michael was about to say something else, both he and Tate looked in the direction of the mountains in time to see a flare of fire heading their way. Michael took a few steps forward. "Ozy!" The small cat slammed into the ground before skidding across the snow to stop at Michael's feet.

As soon as Michael was knelt next to him, Ozy gave him a cat version of a grin. "Did I lose it?"

"Lose what?"

"The weasel."

Michael looked up for anything that could be heading for them. That's when he spotted it. "Tate!"

"I see it. Get over here." Michael scooped up Ozy and scrambled over to Tate. Once he was next to him, Tate lifted his hand and pushed his will into the air. The winds kicked up, picking up the snow. The weasel came hurtling at them only to hit the cocoon of strong winds. It screeched at them, and Tate flicked his hand, causing the wind currents to attack the weasel. The screech it let out was loud, but it shot off back the way it came, leaving Tate and Michael wondering what was going to happen next.

Ozy let out a grown and looked at Michael. "He's in the mines. I cleared the way for him."

Michael sighed and held Ozy closer. "Thank you."

Tate pulled a radio off his belt. "Kevin."

The Radio crackled. "Everything okay over there, Tate?"

"Yes. Levi's in the mines. Tell Laik he called it. Also, send someone out to get Michael. I don't want him out here when I release everything."

Michael was glaring at him, but Tate refused to look at him. "I can help!"

Tate finally looked at him, "You have a concussion. You shouldn't be out here."

"Stop that!" The snap from Michael had Tate sighing. "You don't get to do that!"

When Tate looked at him with tired eyes, Michael looked away, gritting his teeth. "You're right. But you are still injured, and your mother would find a way to raise herself from the grave to kill me if you ended up dying while I could prevent it." When Michael finally looked back at him, Tate was pulling out a bag with a mix of herbs that Luciana had put together. Tate looked at him, "Space Michael."

Michael huffed as he walked a distance away. When he turned back, Tate was lighting the herbs with a quick spark. He let them drop to the ground, causing the circle to spark to life.

Michael could hear the sound of an engine roaring as it drew near. He looked over his shoulder to find Allyssa on the back with a large grin on her face. She pulled up beside him and pulled the goggles on her face up. "Ready to go?"

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