Chapter 36: Tunnels

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Laik waited till his grandfather's office was cleared before he stepped inside and closed the door. Kevin looked up from picking up straggling papers. "Laik?"

"I don't like this."

"I don't either."

"Then why are we going along with this?"

"Do you really think Levi is going to stay put with Echo out there risking his life?"

Laik wanted to scream as he took a deep breath before letting it out slowly. "It smells like a trap."

"I know."

"What about the guy with the missing brother?"


"Yes, him."

Kevin shot him an amused look and raised a brow in question. "Please, tell me how you really feel?"

Laik hunched his shoulders as he crossed his arms. "I don't like him. He's up to something."

"His brother is in danger. I'm already working on the side of caution with him."

"But we're putting Levi in danger, and we don't even know who is behind all of this! How are we going to properly prepare for this if we're still missing pieces to the whole picture?"

"With a lot of caution." Kevin started to roll up an old map. "I'm already planning to be there. I am tired of playing their games. I need someone who will finally spit out information."

Laik made an aggravated sound. "But Levi-"

"Will be safe. I will be there. He'll have you and Nas and Brian." Kevin sighed as he rubbed his forehead. "Right, Brian. I need to let his parents know about the danger he's about to be in." He seemed to frown. "Gray is going to be with Rhea just in case they try for her while we're distracted here."

"Does she know?"

"I asked her to call me after work."

"She's not going to be happy."

"No. And I can already feel Levi's biological mother breathing down my neck."

"Then why did you agree so suddenly?"

Kevin let out a sigh as he set the map down with the rest of the maps in the room. He picked up a pad of paper and pen and started to write something down. "Mostly because of Levi. He's like a wild card, and I have a bad feeling. If left here, he'll do something that would put him in more trouble."

"And putting him in the thick of it is going to keep him safe?"

"I don't want to. But I also need you to trust me." He ripped the paper off the top and folded it. Kevin held the paper out. "Trust me?"

Laik stared at the paper and snatched it from his grandpa. "More than that asshole back home."

"Good to know you hold me higher than your own birth pack alpha."

"I'm going to try to sleep. Let me know if something changes."

Kevin turned away from Laik to start cleaning up his office space. With a puff of air Laik left the room. His shoulders were stiff with worry as he unfolded the paper. He crumpled up the paper making sure to place it in his pocket. Tomorrow is going to give him a headache.


Levi opened his eyes and blinked in sleepy confusion before reaching up to rub at them. He could have sworn he laid down in his bed. So why was he back in front of the wall of notes and unanswered questions? He squinted at it before sighing and looking around for a chair. Once he found one, he sat down and waited.

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