Chapter 43: Backlash

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Celest walked up the stairs after True. "The room is right next to the bathroom." True motioned to the bathroom as they walked by. "We have a first come, first serve rule. If you want hot water make sure you get up early enough."

"I see. Almost like home."

True smiled at her. "Large family?"

"Very. You have the main house and then the family land that was split between the family. And then you have the family that moved into the city for work that comes to visit every weekend or other weekend, depending on the schedules."

"Sounds busy." True opened the room door to show Celest the room. There were two twin beds and a desk tucked away inside.

"Hard to sleep when I'm not home, too quiet."

"I get that. I had to change to a dorm when I was going to school for my nursing degree. The apartment I was in was just too damn quiet." Motioning to the room, she tacked on. "Usually, Tate stays in here, but when I offered, he said he was going to stay in a hotel."

Celest hummed. "Did Andrew stay in here with him?"

"Whenever they visited." Realization was slowly dawning on True's face. She stared at the room and let out a soft sigh. "It just... it feels like something is missing with Tate here and Andrew not laughing as he pesters Bryce."

"We're doing our best to try and find him, preferably alive. But even if it's just a body, at least there'll be closure."

True let out a sound at Celest's words. "I'd like him alive. I don't think Tate could handle it well if he was."

"It's cause Tate isn't worse that I think he might be alive. Somewhere." Celest set her bag on one of the beds.

"Weird Sharpe stuff?"

"Yep." She pulled out something wrapped in a cloth. "When is dinner?"

"As soon as Myrna shows up to cook."


"I'll send one of the boys up to let you know when everything is done cooking."

Celest smiled at her, "Thank you," and she watched as True left. Turning to the item wrapped in the cloth, she slowly unwrapped it to reveal a worn wooden relic. She brushed her fingers over the head. The unnatural warmth made her smile. "Thank you for following me. Let's get started on fixing this problem." The statue seemed to hum at her words.

Pulling chalk out of her bag along with a small book, she walked over to the desk. Celest set the items on the desk before removing the cloth from the relic. Her fingers brushed over the wooden carving of a raven. Placing the relic on the desk, she picked up the book and chalk. "This better fucking work Andrew."

Then the chalk was pressed to the desktop as she redrew the circle in the small journal. The sound of the chalk scraping over the desk filled the room. Once she was done she picked the statue up and placed it in the center. Looking at the pages, she let out a soft breath.

The statue hummed, and she smiled at it. "Bring him home." She pressed her will into the circle, causing it to light up. The relic slowly changed, a light enveloping it before it disappeared in a rustle of feathers.

Celest took a deep breath and slowly let it out. When she finally noticed the presence behind her, she glanced over her shoulder. Tate was leaning against the door frame. He pushed off the fame. "I'll call Thatcher." Then he was gone leaving her in the room alone.

Turning back to the empty magic circle, she closed her eyes. There was no stopping the events that would follow now that she started the process.

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