Chapter 28: Leaving

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Rhea opened the door to find Brian and Laik standing on the other side. She looked at Laik's arm in confusion after seeing it in a sling. "I thought..."

"Something's wrong. We don't know what, but it's healing, slowly."

Brian rolled his eyes at the grumpy grumble from Laik. "He's just upset because he's stuck in a sling. And has been told he can't shift until his shoulder has fully healed."

"I bet it would heal fine if I did shift."

"Nikki also said it could make it worse."

Laik gave a grumble as he shuffled into the house behind Brian. He looked around the living room. "Where's Levi?"

Rhea closed the front door and tossed a small, sad smile their way. "He's not feeling well. He should be fine later this afternoon. Maybe."

Looking up at the stairs in worry, Brian asked, "Did he eat too much dairy?"

"Not that feeling well. Levi just needs a break from everything." She walked into the kitchen just as Michael came down the stairs.

"Yes, I know Charlie, we're a day late, but we needed it for the extra person tagging along." He pulled the phone away from his ear as he asked Rhea. "Is Levi okay? His door was closed."

Rhea gave a shrug. "Just one of those days. Make sure you tell him goodbye before you leave. I don't think he's leaving the room before noon."

"Okay." There was a shout from the phone, and Michael placed it back against his ear. "I'm still here. Yes, we found someone. He volunteered." Michael walked over to the office room and knocked on the door. The door swung open, and Cain passed Michael a bag. "We're loading up the car in about five minutes. It's just a two day drive. We'll be there. I'm just glad Kevin managed to get everything fixed on the car so we can make the long drive."

Cain picked up another bag and slung it over his shoulder. Rhea turned to Laik and Brian "There's food in the fridge if you want something to eat. I'm going to go get ready for work."

Cain paused long enough to raise his brow at Laik in a sling. Laik huffed, "What?"

"Nice sling, brings out your eyes."

"Fuck off." Laik caught the smirk as Cain headed for the front of the house with Michael. "I'm not going to miss you these next two weeks!"

Cain feigned shock, "My poor heart, it can't go on."

Brian rolled his eyes as he flopped on the couch. "Is it okay if I watch some TV?"

"Make yourself at home." Rhea's voice called out as she climbed up the stairs.

Laik dropped onto the couch with a grumble. Brian asked while looking at Laik in confusion. "What's wrong with you two? I thought he hated you?"

"Hate is a strong word for Cain. He's just mad at me for something that happened. If he hated me, I'd be dead."

Brian gave Laik a worried look. "And you're trying to piss him off?"

"That? That's nothing." He reached up to scratch his shoulder only to wince at the movement. "He's in a good mood. If he didn't want to talk to me, he wouldn't. Probably finds me in a sling amusing."

"Why is he mad at you?"

Laik looked at brian before slowly standing up. "Something that can't be fixed. I'm going to go check out the backyard."

"You're supposed to be resting."

"I'll rest after this. Then you can do it next."

Brian rolled his eyes but went back to watching TV. After Laik left, Michael walked back into the house. "Where's Laik?"

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