Chapter 32: Scars

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Levi slowly woke up with his head pillowed on something soft and fuzzy. Squinting his eyes open, he found tan and off white fur. Where was his pillow? He sat up to rub at his eyes when the sound of a grumble was heard behind him. Turning his head, he found Echo stretched out along the headboard in his lynx form.

Didn't he have a pillow?

A low snore had him looking over the edge of the bed to find Brian asleep with his arm over his head. Hannah was curled up with her back to Brian and Levi with a pillow over her head. Looking around the room, he didn't spot Declan or Drystan. His feet hit the floor, and he yawned as he made his way out of the room.

After using the bathroom, he walked out only to jolt backward with a curse when he saw someone standing near him. Drystan let out a startled sound at Levi's shout, and both of them stared at each other before laughing.

"It's too early to scare me like that."

"Sorry. I just woke up, I didn't know anyone-" His words were cut off by a yawn. Drystan rubbed at his eyes with his fingers. "Awake."

Levi couldn't help the amused tilt to his lips. "Just woke up."

"I can start the coffee. Just need to go to the bathroom."

Levi walked towards the kitchen as Drystan slipped into the bathroom. He'll ask about the hot chocolate when Drystan gets into the kitchen. Leaning against the counter, he heard a step creak and he looked over his shoulder to find Laik walking into the kitchen. They looked at each other, and then Laik shuffled past to start poking at the coffee machine. He was thinking about going back to sleep when Laik nudged him with a box. "Huh?"

"I said here. I had grandpa put it on the list." Levi stared at it the box of powered hot cocoa. Laik raised a brow at Levi's confused look. "You don't like coffee. I've never seen you drink it and you only order hot chocolate when you're at the diner."

Levi took the box with a surprised look. "I-" He looked at the box before asking. "Your not mad about me hitting you over the head?"

"Coffee first."


"Shhh, coffee. I'm running on two hours of sleep."

Levi fiddled with the box and was about to say something when Drystan walked into the kitchen. "Coffee?"

"Still working on it."

Drystan leaned against the counter as Levi opened the box of hot cocoa powder. He was about to pull out the pack of cocoa powder when Kevin appeared in the doorway. "Levi."

He looked up at Kevin in question. "What is it?"

"There's someone on the phone for you, and you need to call your mom."

Oh, that was right. He let the packet slide back into the box. "Wait, who is calling me?"

"I don't know. He said he knew you through someone named Thaddeus."

"Tad!" He tossed the box to Laik, who fumbled to grasp the box. "Where?"

"My office."

Levi was already rushing past him. He looked at Laik and Drystan in question when Laik spoke up from where he was putting the box away. "Tad is the ex-boyfriend."


"He was also here a few weeks ago. Showed up around the library incident."

"I see." Kevin frowned. "But why call me?"

Laik shrugged as the coffee machine started to burbble. "I just woke up, my brain is still booting up."

Kevin gave him a dry look that had Laik grinning at him. "Maybe I should talk to whoever called a bit more."

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