Chapter 38: Panic

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Brian paced the small room as Tray lay on a bed pressing the towel against his shoulder. Nas had tossed them the keys to the rooms and told Brian to lock themselves inside. He then listened as Nas left the cabin, leaving him with the injured Tray. Brian found himself pulling his phone out only to put it back in his pocket. Even if he wanted to call, he needed to trust that his family was okay. He started pacing again, worry increasing as he wondered if Laik had found Levi.

"Hey." Brian looked at Tray to find the man watching him. "If they show up from the tunnels, run."

Looking away, Brian shook his head. "We should be fine here. These rooms are made to keep weres in and out."

Tray huffed, causing Brian to look at him. "That's when they lose control. It's not hard to pick these locks, and hunters are..." He trailed off before shaking his head. "You're lucky to grow up without the fear of hunters hanging over your head. Kevin worked hard to make a name for himself, and most hunters think twice about coming here. I'm amazed these hunters are stupid enough to piss him off."

Brian looked away as he said, "Nas and Laik will be back."

"I mean it, Brian. Run if they show up. That's probably what the hunters outside are waiting for." Tray groaned as he sat up. "I'm worried these hunters won't hesitate to hurt a kid. To them, you're just another werewolf."
Pulling the radio out, he pressed the button and chose to ignore the chill that ran up his spine. "Kevin. Bryce." When nothing came over the radio, he rubbed at his forehead.

"Bryce will be on his way here. Kevin didn't have the radio when he took off."

"Did Bryce take the radio with him?"

"We all took off. I didn't see."

Brian sighed as he switched the channel. "Allyssa?"

"We're still here." Rendy's calm voice was a soothing balm to his frayed nerves. "I was about to radio you. They're in the basement. Me and Allyssa just watched as they knocked everyone out with darts. Brian, you might want to let Nas know they're searching the basement for you guys."

"It's just me and Tray here. Nas is trying to warn Bryce about the hunters since we can't reach him."

"You need to get out of there."

"Tray's been shot, and I'm not leaving him behind."

"I'll let you know if something changes."


Brian sat the radio in his lap and sighed as he waited.

Tray huffed as he answered. "A bullet in my shoulder doesn't make me unable to fight."

Brian looked at him with a frown. "If you shift, the hole will heal over the bullet."

"Not the first time I've gone through that either. Hurts like a bitch, but I can manage."

"It'll just be you."

"That's okay, I can hold them off until Nas shows up with help. Someone needs to find Kevin."

"I'm not leaving without you."

Tray huffed again and shook his head. "Kids these days. You're all stubborn."

Brian was about to argue when the radio crackled to life. "Brian, they found the tunnels. You need to get out of there!"

He clicked the radio on. "How long ago?"

"I don't know. Allyssa just noticed that there was no movement on the cameras, and she snuck down there. The bookcase is completely removed from the wall."

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