Chapter 51: Cold Rage

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Cain's feet crunched through the snow as Enya appeared to follow him. "That other kid is still out here."

"I'm not telling you to stop."

"No, but I know you." He stopped to look at her. "That witch is somewhere around here. Or they're gone."

"You're hoping to run into them."

"Maybe." Turning back around, he kept moving forward. "I have questions."

"No, you don't."

Cain looked back at Enya before letting out a heavy breath. "And demands."

"You can't hide everything from me."

"And I can't lie. Ever." He kept walking, thankful for the bubble of safety. His words were angry and said in a snarl. "I want to use my abilities as they're intended, without the headaches! I want to remember! I want to stop feeling pain from lying or trying to lie!"

"You're also exhausted and about to run out of elemental energy." She trotted after him, keeping in step with him.

"As long as there is snow and ice, I will be fine."

"It will hurt you."

"I've been hurting for years. What's one more headache?"

Enya looked up at him with a sorrowful gaze. "You saved me once. I will do my best to keep you safe. If your life is in danger, I will carry you away."

Cain let out a grumble as he pushed on. What he didn't expect was the witch in question to stumble into the little pocket of protection. The large dog next to her growled as Enya pushed in front of Cain. Cain and the witch made eye contact, and he watched as recognition and then horror appeared on her face.

The barely there whisper of "You're supposed to be dead," had his hackles raised. She took a step back as fear had her hissing out, "They'll hunt us down now." Then she was running.

A snarl left Cain as he took off after her. The large dog lunged at Cain, who jumped over them as Enya plowed into the dog's side.

The woman turned to look over her shoulder and yelled, "Storm, no! We need to leave now!"

Cain pulled on the snow and ice around him to send a wave of it at the witch. She cursed as a magic circle appeared. Fire wrapped around her to melt the ice and snow. Once the fire was gone, she yelled again. "Storm!" The dog kicked Enya off of her before taking off toward the witch. A magic circle appeared again, and Cain had to dive to the side as chains whipped out to try and grab him.

Cain rolled to a stop in the snow and looked up to see the witch disappear into the blizzard Tate had kicked up. Shoving himself up onto his feet, he could feel the grin on his face.


Tad looked over the edge of the ground that suddenly lurched up under his feet. He clutched at the roots and grass that poked up out of the snow as clumps of dirt and snow fell to the ground below him. "Oh, this is not good." Slowly, he twisted around, looking for a way down. "This is not good."

Where was Wyatt?

"Wyatt!" The whispered yell was chased away by the winds. "Wyatt!" He really didn't want Lauren to hear him. There was movement below him, and he flattened himself to the top of the pillar.

The blond wolf emerged, sniffing the air. She circled the pillar before lifting her head to sniff. Tad could see blood streaked through her fur. Fear and anger curled low in his belly at the sight.

The ground lurched again, and he watched as Lauren stumbled before the ground opened up, and she slid down a steep incline. Once the ground was stable again, Tad slowly inched his way to the side of the pillar. He slowly lowered himself over the edge. When he was ready to start climbing down, a hand snagged his, and he flinched hard away from it.

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