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⍣ prologue ⍣ 

 (tw: mention of k!lling & blood)



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The deafening sound of a gunfire echoed throughout the empty warehouse where two men in black suits stood few feet apart from each other – one man pointing the loaded gun at one man whose hands are now up in the air as a gesture of surrender. Both breathed in labor after the unending chasing.

Gazes were intense and full of emotions – worry, anger, betrayal, and... love.

"What are you waiting for? Just shoot me... Kill me." Riku's firm and deep voice broke the silence once again, eyes staring through the man's soul who's pointing the gun at him.

"I told you to leave me. Why do you have to come back? You're the one who put the gun on my hand, Riku."

The man's voice trembled. It was so subtle, but Riku heard it loud and clear in his ears. He could hear the frustration and pain in the man's voice.

"I'm trying to save you, Kei. I'm here for you." Riku tried to take a step forward which made Kei flinch and took a mirrored step back.

"Don't move!" Kei shouted, his grip on the gun tightened even more to the point his fingers were turning white.

"Kei, we still have time. Please. Take my hand."

Riku carefully reached out his right hand for him.

"I'd rather shoot you than let him kill my brother." Those words came out in Kei's gritted teeth, his chest starting to hurt.

The other man shook his head. "I will save you and your brother. I promise."

"I'm going to shoot you on the arm. I need you to bleed before you run away from here. That's the least I can do right now."


"Do it for me, Riku... please. Before he catches up here."

"I'm not leaving you here."

"Riku, for fucks' sake!" Kei's voice rang out in every corner of the warehouse. "Can you just listen to me for once?"

"I love you."

Those sudden words immediately cut through each other's chest, even Riku who probably only said those words twice in the period he'd known Kei. For some reason, Riku just felt the need to say it to Kei again despite their situation.

Kei momentarily shut his eyes, pressed his lips in utter frustration, and heaved a painful sigh.

"It's not the time for that, Riku."

Riku was about to say something when their heads perked at the sound of footsteps approaching in the warehouse. Kei immediately raised the gun and fired once again.


This time, he turned to Riku and lowered his voice before pointing the gun at the man once more.

"Come with me, Kei. Please. He will kill you."

Kei subtly looked over his shoulder when the footsteps increased in his ears and immediately grabbed Riku, now holding him hostage with the gun directed at his temple.

"He's here. Don't do anything stupid or he'll kill you." he clenched his jaw as he whispered his words directly at Riku's ears.

Only a couple of seconds later, another figure appeared from the outside. The man was wearing a black leather jacket and wearing his vicious smirk while holding the gun at the other men standing in the warehouse.

"I've heard gunfire, but I'm surprised he's still breathing in your arms." The man's voice sounded cold despite his grin, clearly showing no value of anyone's life.

"I'll finish him this time." Kei answered in his stoic demeanor.

"Oh, Kei. I know you can't that's why I'm here."

Kei pushed Riku to the side which surprised the man who stumbled on the floor and instantly fired his gun at him. The loud sound rang in their ears and blood splattered around; Riku felt his right shoulder numb and saw the bullet scraped on his skin making blood trail down his arm.

Kei cursed at his head, but he had to do something to make the man by the door believe him. However, the man just laughed in his mocking tone and glared at him with his evil smirk.

"You can do better than this, Kei."

Riku winced as he pressed his palm on his injured arm and tried to face the other man.

"Stop manipulating Kei, Reiji!" he shouted.

Annoyance immediately flashed in Reiji's face. He took a breath and closed his eyes for a second. The moment he opened them again, his glare cut through Riku as he pointed the gun at him. But Kei saw it coming, knowing this subtle behavior from his boss, so he blocked Riku from Reiji and... boom!

"Kei!" Riku screamed, watching Kei slowly dropped on his knees in front of him.

Another sound of gunfire rang out in the entire warehouse, almost hurting their ears now from the enclosed space, making the sound more painful to hear, and Reiji dropped on the floor as blood spread out from his abdomen.

Kei turned to Riku, not showing any pain from his gunshot. "Are you okay? Let's get out of here."

Riku's eyes widened when he saw blood profusely coming out from Kei's lower left chest. He placed his palms on Kei's injury to stop him from bleeding, but the other man just helped him up on their feet.

"We don't have time for that."

Riku knew Kei doesn't feel any pain. He knew that very well. But seeing Kei's blood covering his hands made his breathing hitch and his chest to hurt knowing that Kei wasn't feeling any pain from it.

"Let's go."

Despite his situation, Riku just let Kei dragged him on his waist out of the warehouse and found themselves in the middle of the dark road.

"Kei, you need to stop the bleeding or you're going to collapse."

He was ignored again, so this time, he stopped and shrugged off Kei's hands around him to face him. But when he was about to speak after Kei fronted him, the man just instantly dropped unconscious on the ground.

"Kei! Kei!" 

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