Chapter 12

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Although Kei was a bit confused on the sudden order for him to be no longer Yui's bodyguard, he went through another set of trainings with Arisu. He just started liking his job because he could always see Jiro almost every day whenever he drives Yui to university, but now he was told to do more trainings instead. Despite Yui apologizing and barely giving him a clear reason as to why she wanted to change her personal bodyguard, he just followed the orders, nonetheless. He isn't one to complain nor demand explanation anyway.

Physical endurance, survival trainings, shooting, and even more in-depth classes this time, Kei was beat to say the least. But resting was enough for his exhaustion to go away the next day. It might be because of his condition but it has always been that way. He can feel tired and exhausted but for most parts, he'll only sleep them away and he feels recharged after. He now understands why his father can work several jobs all at the same time without even hearing a single complain from him. But before the memory of his late father cloud his mind further, Kei focused on his sparring with Arisu before the head of the guards call it a day.

Since the jujitsu match, Kei hasn't seen Riku even though they are just staying under the same roof. He figured out it might be because his boss either goes out a lot for whatever obvious reasons he needs to or shut himself out from the world, just staying inside his office. No wonder his face remained a mystery to everyone despite the household name he has.

It must be the heavy training that made Kei's stomach growl despite eating a lot during dinner earlier and suddenly woke him up in the middle of the night. When he saw the time from his phone screen that said 3:20 in the morning, he silently grunted but still dug out himself from the comfort of his bed. He checked Yoshi from his side and his roommate was already snoring from exhaustion. They came back late that night from somewhere and he's obviously tired, so Kei didn't mind the man and checked their fridge.

All he saw are bottled water and some chips he was confused why Yoshi put them in there. He then checked the mini cabinet for something to fill his hungry stomach and saw a large cup of ramen from their supplies. However, for some reason, their kettle boiler didn't work. A sigh of frustration came out from him and because he's really feeling the rampage inside his stomach, he had no choice but to go to their cafeteria to get some hot water.

The area was quiet and empty with only the dim lights illuminating the dining area; probably not to stumble anyone who might come home late from their task or Kei honestly didn't pay much attention to. He finally got his hot water and waited for his ramen to be ready to eat. He wanted to eat it inside their room, but he didn't want to wake Yoshi from the smell of food, so he just quietly dug in his food.

Kei touched the cup a few times to check whether it's too hot or not despite him not knowing the difference anyway. He blew a mouthful of noodles to cool off just like how Jiro told him to and ate until the smoke vanished. The smoke is the only indicator for Kei to tell whether the food is hot or not. So, he's always keen to that. He was already halfway finishing his ramen when he suddenly heard faint footsteps. When he turned his head and thought it was just one of the bodyguards like him, Kei frantically rose from his chair seeing Riku approaching his table.

"K-Kimura-san." he awkwardly greeted. His boss was in his dark purple night robe and went straight to sit in the opposite chair on the table.

"I... I'm sorry. I'll just –"

"It's okay. Just sit and finish your food." Riku casually said and let out a small smile.

Kei awkwardly sat and wasn't sure whether to continue eating or just go back to his room. He wasn't expecting Riku to find him there in the cafeteria because he rarely goes down the guard's floor. So, he was really surprised to see him there though he understands that the entire building is still technically owned by the man sitting in front of him.

"How's your training?" Riku asked quietly.

"It's quite hard, but it's manageable."

"Hmm. I've heard some positive feedback from Arisu."

They sounded casual but Kei couldn't even pick up his chopstick and continue eating. "Oh, do you need anything? I'll get it for you," and so he asked.

"It's fine. I just can't sleep, so I thought of going down. I'll just grab some fruits or anything." Riku replied and rose from his seat to proceed to the kitchen.

Kei just watched the man roamed the kitchen and heard him open the fridge. When he came out, he was already holding an apple and took a bite on it. Seeing Riku in his comfortable clothes, he looked like a normal man in his penthouse and if Kei didn't know who he is, he would think he's just one of those wealthy spoiled men living their best life. Except that Riku and the Kimura's really had that good gene running through their veins. Even in his bare face, Riku still looked so attractive even with his platinum hair.

With that sudden thought, Kei casually cleared his throat to brush off what he just described Riku and found the man standing beside him this time.

"Finish your food and rest. You'll be coming with us in the morning."

Before Kei could respond, Riku already left. Maybe Kei will get used to the changing moods from his boss soon, now that he'll join the main unit guards taking care of Riku starting that day.


Despite the lack of sleep, Kei managed to wake up early in the morning to prepare for his first official day as one of Riku's bodyguards. Yoshi and Kenji already briefed him, and he was genuinely thankful that those two have been nothing but nice to him since he entered the Kimura's lair.

He only used to imagine stuff like this, but now he's there standing by the door of the luxurious office where the meeting between Riku and another businessman was happening. As the head of the bodyguards, it's usually only Arisu allowed to go inside the closed-door meeting like this with Riku. The rest of them either guards by the door or areas where they need to be.

Kei wanted to stay optimistic and thought that he would only be doing like this since Kimura is also a businessman. But he didn't expect he would go down to the dark business already only on his second time going out with Riku and the guards.

Following his schedule, Riku needed to meet their new partner after getting that successful bid of the property for their new hotel project in Fukuoka. They all drove more than two hours outside Osaka to the secluded portside of Nagoya. Kei barely travelled outside Osaka aside from his part time, so the location was all foreign to him. The eerie vibe when they got out from the car greeted them and be welcomed by the scent of the sea, along with the cold breeze gushing despite the summer season. It's almost midnight, so aside from the sound of their car engines that was turned off one by one, the place was quiet and dark.

They all looked around and checked the area and immediately met by several men in casual fits. There was a middle-aged man in grey suit walking ahead which Kei believed to be the one meeting with Riku. The contrast between their formal suits and their not-so-formal clothes were too obvious. Kei could even tell they're gangsters.

"Mr. Kimura. A pleasure to meet you in person." the man politely bowed despite him being older than Riku and extended his right hand to shake.

Riku only gave him a slight bow and shook his hand. "My pleasure, too."

Then Riku looked pass the gang men behind him from left to right. "You brought quite a lot of your men for tonight."

The man scoffed. "I may be a small client dealer, but just like you, everyone wants me dead."

"I now understand why father signed with you. Shall we proceed then?"

The gang men made way for the two inside a huge warehouse near the port while Kei and the rest of Riku's guards followed silently. Kei didn't like the dark aura of those thugs, but he needed to adjust himself in this kind of job if he wants to last long.

Inside the warehouse held huge containers for the Kimura shipment and by the looks of them, Kei assumed they were something illegal. The two men were discussing something he barely understood while all of them stayed alert and vigilant of the surroundings despite it being a private meet up.

But the exchange was almost done when all of them ducked at the deafening sound of gunshots.


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