Chapter 17

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The Oberbaum Bridge, Berlin Germany

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The Oberbaum Bridge, Berlin Germany

The architectures in Berlin not only took Kei's breath away, not only him, but also Yoshi and Ken couldn't hide the astonishment off their faces when they were driving around the city of Berlin. The beauty of the new country overwhelms the guards, unlocking that mixture of modern and medieval ambiance everywhere their eyes looked. It was as if they revisited history and travelled back in time to see all the century-worth of events. They hadn't had the chance to have a glimpse of Paris where they first landed for their connecting flight for another two hours going to Berlin, but the skip was worth it still. Because even their hotel was worth the sight-seeing.

They were on their way to where Riku would be meeting the Schafers to talk about business. It was only less than an hour drive from their hotel because unlike the traffic in Japan, the streets of Berlin wasn't as busy as they had back in their country. Everything in the streets of Berlin was twice as clean in Japan, considering that despite the massive land, it wasn't as populated as Japan, giving more emphasis on the places full of culture and history rather than seeing people.

Horvath Restaurant, Kreuzberg

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Horvath Restaurant, Kreuzberg

Their destination was in Kreuzberg and drove themselves in one of the cozy restaurants where they will be meeting the Kimura's business partner. The inside portion of the dining place was totally empty which Kei guessed but be reserved for them, until two men in black suits revealed themselves, along with other men in black leather jackets and suits. Riku, wearing his maroon suit, approached them and immediately gave him a handshake.

"Guten Tag, Herr Luca Schafer, Herr Juger Schafer." Riku greeted the gentlemen in German.(Good day, Mr. Schafer.)

"Es ist schön, sie kennenzulernen, Herr Kimura." Juger greeted back.

(It's nice to meet you, Mr. Kimura.)

"Freut mich auch." Riku said.

(Pleasure is mine.)

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