Chapter 33

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"You really don't need to do this." Kei told Riku while they were driving along the Han River bridge.

"I'm also doing this for me. I want to enjoy our limited time here in Korea. You should relax, too, while you can."

Kei sighed but smiled. He looked out the window and started to enjoy and relax as Riku told him. That's when he started appreciating the beauty of what he's seeing. Japan is pretty, but Korea is undeniable beautiful, too. When Riku saw Kei enjoying himself, that's when he decided to open the hood of their car which also surprised the other man.

No doubt they were using a different car than the other one they first used the other day. But Kei felt the air on his skin as they drove away from the city. In just matter of hours, they were already entering the countryside. Kei could already see the shoreline of the beautiful beaches in Korea.

The drive was long, but they both felt like it was just an hour or so. Riku drove them all the way to Gangneung where he usually goes for drives especially when he craves for the serenity of the sea. But it is special this time because he is with Kei. One by one, Kei is invading his private and secret places but it is him letting the man in them.

They enjoyed a quiet and peaceful walk on the beach, sometimes playing with each other like kids, and witnessing both of their genuine smiles and laughs they've seen for the first time of each other. Truly, the beach can bring out a person's true emotions as long as you lay them all in it.

Time passed by so quickly for Kei and Riku. They were still enjoying the food and the scenic view from the restaurant they were eating from, but they also didn't want to catch the night on the road. So, after their full meal, they hit the road back to Seoul.

Half way their drive, the temperature dropped and started to rain. Riku tried to close the hood of their car but it wasn't working.

"Why is it not working?" Kei almost yelled because of the strong wind and rain pouring on them, making it a little hard to hear when they talk.

"I don't know!"

Riku was still trying to push the button but it's really not working. Kei was trying to help him and even used his polo shirt to cover his head until they both gave up and just laughed at their situation. They just let rain poured on them while they had their hands up in the air. Riku was starting to feel the chilling temperature in his body, and so was Kei. But for him, he could only shiver while his brain doesn't process how cold the temperature currently is.

Thankfully, the rain stopped just when they pulled over the subdivision of their home. They were both soaking wet in the rain and so is their car. But they almost ran inside the house craving for some warmth.

"That was intense." Kei said while trying to brush off the water off his hair and shirt.

"I might need to bring that car for a car wash and maintenance." Riku shook his head as they walked inside the living room.

"I'll take a shower then." Kei was about to go up the stairs when Riku spoke.

He saw the pool and pointed it to Kei. "How about a quick swim?"

"What? You're already trembling. You need to take a shower, too or you'll catch a c –" Kei cutely gasped when Riku grabbed his wrist, and they ran outside where the swimming pool was.

Riku instantly took off his wet jacket and white shirt before plunging to the swimming pool. Kei just stood there while watching until Riku had his head out of the water.

"Hey! Come on. The heater is on now. It's getting warmer." A smile finally made Kei surrendered.

He took off his plaid shirt first and was about to take off his white shirt when he stopped halfway, remembering all the scars on his body. For a moment, he felt intimidated and almost shy to show his naked body to Riku. Not that Riku hasn't seen some of those scars before, but his arm suddenly couldn't take his shirt off of him. The latter saw the expression on Kei's face, and it somehow clenched his chest a little.

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