Chapter 1

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Kei heard the bell from the counter area where he saw the packed orders needed to be delivered. His brows subtly raised upon seeing the piles of dishes packed. It must be a group order, he thought. He works as a delivery guy in a traditional Japanese restaurant which is famous for their sought-after Unagi, Unadon, and their Soba that are of family secret recipes. No matter if it's a weekday or weekend, diners flock in the restaurant, especially tourists in Osaka checking out traditional dishes of Japan.

"Delivery to Kimura Hotel." the middle-aged man from behind the counter said while sticking the printed receipt on the package.

Kei reviewed the paper for more information when he asked, "Any floor or room number?"

The man shrugged. "She said to just leave it at the reception area. A delivery for Yui."

"Just Yui?" he clarified while picking up the delivery.

"Yep! Just go. We have a lot of deliveries today."

After excusing himself out of the busy restaurant, Kei settled his delivery on his bike, put on his helmet and drove away after punching in his destination on his work phone map. Thankfully, it wasn't a rush hour so there weren't any traffic jams on his way. It was the middle of the week in summer and sun was a bit harsh in Japan during this season. However, despite the scorching temperature, it never bothered Kei one bit, or even ever in his life.

Seasons feel the same for him. Although he can tell hot and cold apart, Kei isn't the type of person to be bothered by those things – not ever. He's quite special. Sometimes it's inconvenient. Sometimes it makes his life easy. But deep down in him, he's scared because of how different he is from the rest. Fortunately, he wasn't too young to know how to take care of his special self after his father died when he was only eight years old. Two decades later, he is close to living out his father's life span.

Kei made a right turn from the main road going to the hotel's main entrance. He parked his motorbike where bike deliveries can do hazard parking just a few meters away from the drop-off of the hotel entrance. After securing his heavy package on his hand, Kei approached the front of the hotel, but his tracks halted when some people started running away, screaming, while others pooled in circle. Curious, he made his way to the crowd.

A medium built man pulling out a knife, pointing at the terrified young lady trembling in fear caught Kei's sight. His brows furrowed as he sighed in dismay. Really? In a broad daylight? He's going to see violence like this.

"I-I really don't know you!" the lady shuddered in fright, raising her hands in front of her gesturing the man to stay away.

"Liar! It was you! You cunning bitch!"

Kei clicked on his tongue at the profanity. It always tickles his ear in a very unpleasant way.

"What are you doing? Call the police!" the lady screamed in her shaking voice at the security around trying to come close at the assailant.

Hearing her words, the man approached her and when he saw her about to run, he immediately grabbed her by the hair which made her pull back on his figure. Now, she's been taking hostage.

Kei flinched at the scene along with the horrified screams from the crowd. The security also pulled out their guns at the attacker.

"Why are you doing this to me?"

This time, the lady was already crying in fear.

"Don't shoot! Or I'll slit her throat!"

"Please! Please! Don't shoot! Don't shoot!"

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