Chapter 21

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Sweats dripping down Riku's chin down his bare chest. He dropped his back on his bed after another wild sex with Masaki. After they arrived in Japan, Riku immediately called him over to have sex with him and it's been a week. Masaki almost comes in his penthouse every other day.

"Are you still not going to tell me what's going on? I have never been this frequent here." the small man lying beside him spoke with his labored breathing.

Riku felt a hand exploring his bare chest, but he didn't mind. He momentarily shut his eyes close, but just like that, he saw Kei's drunk face, flashing red, and that moment he tried to undress him. He instantly opened his eyes, not wanting to cloud his head with Kei's face any further. And even when he's having sex with someone else, Kei's face would flash in his head from time to time, making him go rough on bed with Masaki.

Again, his head is full of Kei even if he tried his best to ignore the man, not even laying eyes on him since they left Berlin. Riku stopped Masaki halfway his ministrations on his neck.

"I'm taking a shower." he coldly said and went straight to his bathroom, still naked.

For the past week since they came back, Riku hasn't called for Kei once and would always just send him to do assignments with other bodyguards just so he wouldn't see the man in his penthouse. Even during Kei's training with other bodyguards where he used to appear out of the blue especially when Kei was being bullied, Riku also stopped interfering, just to avoid Kei. It somehow confused him, the sudden attention his self has for the bodyguard. Thankfully, he's busy with all these business stuff after the close deal in Germany that made him occupied. But during night, he would call Masaki to keep him busy.

After taking his shower, he heard a knock on his door. He went to his mini bar with only his pajama and night coat on before letting his bodyguard let in his sister whom he prohibited to visit him for a week now since Berlin.

The stomping of the lady was heard even in his living room where the mini bar was and there, Yui saw him chugging his shot of brandy.


"Don't you have your class tomorrow? Why are you here so late at night?" Riku brushed off the yelling from his little sister and sat on his sofa with another shot of his liquor which he placed on the glass table.

Yui stomped her way to her brother and sat beside him. "You've been back for a week now and you did not allow me to go see you. Are you that busy?"

"Can't you talk to your brother a little nicer?" Riku smiled and messed with Yui's hair. But the lady removed his hand and pouted.

"I was so worried. Did something happen?"

"Nothing. I just had some business stuff to deal with. Stop sulking now or I won't give your gift."

"Huh!" Yui hissed and crossed her arm on her chest. "Do you think I came here just for that?"

Riku chuckled. "So, you don't want your gift? Okay."

"Ah! 'Nii-chan!" Yui whined.

Riku only laughed. "Go get it on my bedside table."

Yui pouted for a sec, but a smile escaped her face before she excitedly ran to her brother's room where she bumped into Masaki, who's now fully dressed.

"O-Oh, hi." she awkwardly greeted. Masaki greeted her in return and they both went to the living together.

"I should get going now, Kimura-san." Masaki said and said his goodbye.

"You can ask Arisu to let one of the bodyguards drive you home." Riku instructed from his seat.

"No, it's fine. I'll just drive home. Thank you for tonight. Just call me when you need me." Masaki smiled and also said his farewell to Yui before disappearing.

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