Chapter 36

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Jiro felt so awkward as he sat quietly at the back and the fact that the CEO is the one driving. Even Reiji was quiet the entire drive, but Jiro could feel the heavy stares he would give the younger guy through his rearview mirror.

The drive took almost half an hour and that was the most awkward and excruciating 30 minutes of Jiro's life. It was like he was being sold somewhere. He thought of sending a message to Kei, but he chose to be brave. He was with the CEO of Nagata Corporation and even after what he saw, he didn't think of any negative assumption towards his boss. He's usually good at judging people and up to this point, he still couldn't read the man behind the wheel.

They parked in the basement of a high rise building that wasn't familiar to Jiro but he just thought it might be one of Nagata's properties because in Japan, especially in Osaka, everything is owned by either the Kimura Empire or Nagata Corporation.

After pulling up, Jiro unbuckled his own seat belt when he saw Reiji unbuckled and alighted the car. He wanted to ask but he saved his words and just silently followed the man to the elevator inside the building. It was only him and Reiji so the silence was so deafening for Jiro. He just stayed behind Reiji even inside the elevator.

Meanwhile, Reiji stared at Jiro through their reflection in the elevator. He had both his hands tucked inside his pockets. He knew that the silence might've been torturing the intern so he decided to finally speak.

"I heard what happened yesterday from Adachi."

Finally hearing the man speak, Jiro raised his head and met Reiji's gaze through their reflection.

"Ah, that." Jiro replied, as he expected. "I told Adachi-san I won't tell anyone about it."


Jiro hung his head down and saw the bandage on Reiji's hand.

"B-But... how are you feeling? Are you okay now?" he asked with a voice full of concern as he raised his head to check on Reiji.

Those words somehow tugged Reiji's chest. He turned to face the intern so he could meet his eyes for real. He wanted to see if those words were genuine.

His sudden gesture flustered the younger, but he didn't look away. He wanted to confirm if the CEO was really feeling okay now and he could only do that if he saw his face.

For Reiji, it was probably the first time someone asked him how he was and if he's doing okay - not even from Adachi who must've been so used to what's happening to him asked him those words. So, hearing it from Jiro with all sincerity made him feel things for the first time.

"Were you scared of what you saw?"

Jiro shook his head almost immediately. "I was more... worried than scared. I... I'm sorry about your hand."

Reiji scoffed in disbelief although Jiro didn't see it as he was already looking down at his bandaged hand. He slid it down totally inside his pockets so Jiro couldn't see it anymore and faced the other way again.

"Do you know how to play baseball?"

"Eh?" Jiro cutely tilted his head when he raised his head to look at the CEO through their reflection, confused by the sudden question and diversion.

Reiji smirked as he found his reaction cute.

"You're nothing like him." These words were very subtle and faint under Reiji's breath that even Jiro in that enclosed space didn't hear.

It was silence after that until the elevator opened and Jiro saw it was like an indoor complex. It was very spacious and it was his first time in such a place. He didn't even know they had it in Osaka. But he figured it must be a private one because he hasn't seen anyone there.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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