Chapter 23

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Riku had been instructing Arisu to always bring Kei whenever they had to settle something outside while he did his best to stay in his office or let Kei stay if his presence was really needed in some transactions, trying not to cross path with Kei as much as possible. Thankfully, he's starting to go back to normal and by normal means Kei isn't visiting and popping up in his head anymore, which he likes. All his focus and attention are now back to where they originally belong to. He's now ready to shrug off any uninvited emotions as he was before.

However, the inevitability of him not interacting with Kei is something he knew he won't be able to prevent.

Arisu entered his office with an unusual serious face, the face he makes when something bad happened.

"What is it?" Riku asked immediately without waiting for his head bodyguard to say a word.

"One of the debtors rebelled and caused a ruckus."

"Huh, these people signed papers as if they don't understand what they're getting into." Riku said in his cold tone. "What happened then?"

"He was fighting so Yoshi shot him on the shoulder."

Riku dragged out a sharp exhale and returned his gaze on his laptop to continue with what he's doing, losing interest at Arisu's report. This kind of incident isn't new in this industry. A few debtors would always find themselves in a tight spot and would rebel to them. So, Riku was used to this situation as he was sometimes the one meeting these clients. But the next words from Arisu made his fingers stop typing.

"But he attacked and stabbed Kei before we could stop him."

His eyes darted back at Arisu. "How is he?"

"He's currently in our infirmary and our doctor is now attending to him." Arisu informed.

Riku masked the glint of worry and managed to act unfazed. After all, bodyguards sometimes get hurt in their assignments. It's just the nature of their job in the mafia world. But it was Kei...

"You can go now."

Arisu just silently bowed and made his way out of his office. The moment the door closed, Riku clenched his fist and his expression changed. After a couple of minutes deliberating whether he would check on Kei or not, he eventually chose the former and left his desk.

The floor where their infirmary was located was empty outside as the bodyguards aren't usually stationed in there unless they need medical attention. Riku quietly approached the doctor who just showed up from behind the closed curtain. The middle-aged doctor bowed and greeted him.

"Kimura-san, do you need anything?"

"Where's my bodyguard?" Riku casually asked.

"I just finished dressing his wound. I needed to stitch him up a few centimeters, but it won't scar. Luckily, it wasn't that deep."

Riku nodded as he listened attentively. "You may leave us."

The doctor just bowed and excused himself before Riku opened the closed curtain, revealing Kei quietly lying on the bed.

"Kimura-san." Kei helped himself sit up and politely greeted his boss he hasn't seen for over a week.

He is only wearing a white tank top as he needed to remove his suit uniform so the doctor could fix his wound properly.

"I heard what happened from Arisu." Riku maintained his casual, cold tone as he stood not so far from the clinic bed.

Kei removed the thin sheet covering half of his body and sat with his feet down on the bed.

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