Chapter 31

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Kei wanted to drive for his boss, but Riku insisted – telling him he knows the place better than him. He shouldn't let his guard down because he's still a bodyguard, but he couldn't help but enjoy himself sight seeing outside the window. Korea is indeed different from Japan. He thought of buying something for Jiro again before they go home.

The supermarket was just a 20-minute drive from their house. Although it looks the same in Japan, he could tell it's different because of the characters on the label and they indeed have those free tastes he usually sees on dramas Jiro watched sometimes.

He grabbed a big cart and follow Riku. Kei watched his boss as he looked around and casually picked up some products. Riku looked like a local. He easily blended in the crowd. That's when Kei realized that the man actually looked like a Korean. His features are distinct and different from normal Japanese man. He's very good-looking regardless of the country they're in.

Kei was lost in his thoughts for a moment, observing Riku from behind, when he heard Riku grunt. He realized he just bumped the cart at his boss.

"Oh, I'm sorry." He apologized.

Riku put something in the cart before walking up beside him. "Is your mind elsewhere?"

"H-Huh? No. I'm sorry."

The former just smiled and put his hands on the handle, so close with Kei's hands.

"I can push the cart. It's fine. I'll do it."

"I want to stand close to you. I want to push this cart with you, too. I want to do groceries with you. Should I tell you more reasons why I'm standing here?" Riku turned to him and flashed his sweet smile that made Kei flustered. After all, there's only a little distance between their faces.

"O-Okay." Kei quietly responded as they continued walking.

"Or you don't like walking beside me?"

Kei looked at the front before answering. "No. It's okay."

Riku sighed in relief and started looking around again. "I told you, just relax and be yourself. Be honest with me because I am being honest with you as much as I can, too. And I'm usually better at lying at people's faces than this."

Those words had Kei thinking. Riku told him that in his nonchalant tone, yet he could feel the sincerity behind those words. So, at that moment, he decided to do the same, too. To just ignore all his thoughts and let his guard down with Riku. He survived death several times. What could possibly happen if he opens himself up to his boss? It's far from the worst he had in mind.

"So, I guess you're good at this then?"

Riku looked at him. "At what? Groceries?"

Kei scoffed. "No. Flirting. Well, maybe groceries, too. I didn't expect to see you in this kind of place."

Riku smiled knowing that Kei finally started to slowly let his guard down and be comfortable with him.

"Yui and I were usually alone in the house when we were kids. Although we had some cooks, Yui didn't like them. So, I had to learn how to cook so she could eat."

"Yeah, I didn't think you can cook either. You don't look like it." Kei said. Now that Riku is talking about himself, he couldn't help but feel quite excited to even know him more.

"I know. I don't look like a lot of things."

They are now in a different aisle picking up some ingredients.

"Do you have any allergies?" Riku nonchalantly asked in between their conversation.

"None. Why?"

"Just making sure you're eating safe. Is there anything you don't like, or you don't eat then?"

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