Chapter 34

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A/N: Finally, I'm back. I know my TOR readers have been waiting for me to continue this story. Please be more patient with me. I'm getting back here. ^_^ So, as a sneak peak, here's a little cute chapter for you before we jump right into this book again!  I'll try to get into schedule postings again once I have more chapters available. 

Thank you for waiting and for all your patience. ♡♡♡



Yui heard Aya refuse on the other line. She was already in front of the café where her and Jiro were supposed to meet. But she couldn't get out of her car as she suddenly had cold feet.

"Please Aya. I don't think I can give chocolates to senpai alone. I... I can't get out of the car right now."

She heard her best friend grunt on the phone and if she could guess it right, the lady must also be rolling her eyes on her.

"It's something only you can do. I'm not third wheeling on your date. Just drag your feet out of your car and meet Jiro-senpai. You already put so much effort on those cookies and Jiro-senpai also made time for you on a Sunday afternoon when he was supposed to rest. You can do it!"

Hearing that, Yui felt even more nervous. But her friend is right. Nothing will happen if she doesn't make the move. So, after dragging a sharp exhale, as if letting go of all the nervous air in her body, she mustered her courage to finally get out of her car.

The door in the cafe chimed when she opened it and her eyes automatically scanned the place until she was met with Jiro's gaze, who sat on one of the corner tables. The cafe isn't crowded, but has enough people dining since it's a Sunday.

"Yui-san." Jiro called for her as he raised his hand.

Yui couldn't help but feel her heart leap with joy hearing Jiro call her name. She shyly approached him and gave him a little bow to greet him. Her eyes immediately caught how attractive Jiro looked despite only wearing a plain gray oversized shirt, a black pants, paired with a necklace and his black watch. He was also wearing a beige man bag purse just casually hanging on his shoulder when he stood.

She was wearing a cute cream fluffy blouse with a knee-length light grey skirt and her cute black boots. A small smile escaped her lips while thinking how their fits somehow matched in colors.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting." She said after taking her seat.

"Oh, don't be. I also just got here about 5 minutes ago."

Yui couldn't keep her eyes on Jiro. She was a bit fidgety and Jiro somehow noticed it, so he spoke again.

"Do you want to eat here or somewhere else?"

"Hmm, maybe let's just grab a coffee and go somewhere? Is there any place you want to go?"

Jiro comfortably leaned back on his chair and cutely tilted his head, seriously thinking of a place they could go to.

"Let's go to the place you want to go." He said with a sweet smile.

They didn't particularly agree to go somewhere or do anything for that matter, so Yui just wanted to trust how their day would go. She was too excited for this meet up and was preoccupied with her cookies.

With a big smile on her face, she just nodded and they hopped in Yui's car after ordering their takeaway coffees. Jiro couldn't still get used to the fact that he's friends with Kimura's princess and he's hanging out with her. There might be something in between their friendship that Jiro could point out, but he didn't want to go there yet. They were good friends and he didn't want to mess up anything or anyone for his brother. After all, she was his brother's boss's sister.

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