Chapter 20

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It was such a great experience for Kei to travel abroad and roamed around the beautiful city of Berlin with his boss unexpectedly. He even thought being a bodyguard for a mafia wasn't that bad as it was in dramas or movies. After getting down in their business, that's it. No guns. No fights. He even got the chance to buy something for Jiro.

But it has been a couple of hours on the plane, Kei noticed how Riku hasn't laid eyes on him – not even once ever since the morning before they departed the country. He thought they were having a good time the night before, driving through the city and just nothing but good vibes. However, when morning came, he woke up in a different room – Riku's room. That's probably why Riku has been cold towards him since then. Of course, his boss has all the rights to get mad at him. But he rather wants him to scold him for something he did wrong than the silent treatment – not that he felt like he's entitled to Riku's attention now that they spent quite a nice time in Berlin.

"Still couldn't sleep?"

Kei's thought was interrupted when someone sat beside him and talked. It was Yoshi.

"Hmm. Still not used to the long flight."

"Just close your eyes and it'll come to you. But I noticed you keep staring at our big man."

Kei's brows twitched. "Do I?"

"Ever since this morning."

"Does he not scolding you if you do something wrong? He hasn't spoken a word to me nor looked at me. Not that he must, but..."

"You did quite a mess last night, did you not?"

Kei turned his head at his bodyguard friend, confused. "I know I got drunk, but I honestly don't remember why I woke up in his bed. I wanted to ask but even Arisu wouldn't tell me."

Yoshi chuckled. "You definitely need to stay away from alcohol or you'll get yourself in trouble."



Kei stared at the glass of whiskey in front of him after Riku chugged down his own shot. He was contemplating if he will drink it because even though he already told his boss he doesn't drink, he still ordered a shot for him. It's already Riku's third glass, but Kei's remain untouched.

"Okay. Since you don't want to drink, how about we do this. I'll drink your shots and you answer my questions."

"What questions?"

"Any kind of questions. If you can't answer, hmm... you're supposed to drink but since you –"


Riku subtly smirked and slid the glass in front of him from Kei.

"Are you single?"

The first question bluntly thrown at him made Kei turn his head to Riku. "Yes."

Riku pressed his lips and nodded gently before drinking the shot. He asked the bartender to pour him another shot while he thought of his next question.

"Why are you single then? Have you ever had any relationships?"

Kei tilted his head slightly. "That's two questions already."

This made Riku scoffed and nodded in defeat. "Alright. I'll take two shots if you answer both."

The bodyguard smiled and just looked back in front before replying. "I don't have time to be in a relationship, so no. I haven't been in any."

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