Chapter 13

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Bang! Bang! Bang!

The gunshots echoed inside the warehouse, and this immediately made Arisu, Kei, and the rest of Kimura's bodyguards to surround their master to protect him. The other gang men scattered and were alerted, all of them drawing their guns out.

"Who is it?" the man in grey suit yelled at his men who also started scattering to check the origin of the sound.

But one body after another started dropping on the ground with gunshots, blood splattered everywhere.

"Protect Kimura-san!" Arisu commanded and also opened fire to the foreign group of thugs who came out from nowhere.

Kei held out his gun tightly and started shooting as well, aiming for the unwelcomed men in the warehouse. Riku also drew his own gun and immediately shot people dead.

Bang! Bang!

As they encircled Riku, they also slowly headed to where the exit was, but they were surprised when more men came out in their black and dark shirts firing bullets at them. Thankfully, the huge containers shielded them from the bullet rain. But they all went behind different containers.

Some men started brawling as some continued to fire.

"Bring Kimura-san outside now!"

Kei heard Arisu's voice in his small earpiece, too. He looked at Yoshi and Kenji and nodded in sync before they charged to where the main door was. Kei could only avoid looking at the dead bodies starting to pool on the ground while protecting the head of their group and as if they all had run out of ammos, they fist fight their way out.

He might not be as good with his guns, but Kei mockingly smirked at the charging men at him. He didn't want to say he missed fighting in the Arrows, but it somehow stimulated him to kick those bastards down. Yoshi and Kenji also started brawling with other thugs, still trying to point and pull their trigger at the intruders.

"We'll clear the way for you, Kimura-san!" Yoshi said while fighting and firing at the men coming at us.

Even Riku fought with thugs trying to get at him. In no time, Kei almost had half of the remaining intruders down, but he must have wandered so much to be separated in his original group. A huge-built thug suddenly pounced on him, rendering him on his knees. But he was quick to defend and counter the attack.

"Sakai!" Kenji screamed when he saw Kei being mobbed by almost five thugs all at once.

The name snapped Riku's head at Kei's direction and immediately pulled his trigger at those men despite the brawling, wishing the bullet won't hit his own bodyguard.

Two dropped dead while the rest and the huge thug continued on attacking Kei nonstop. Kei continued to block their kicks and fists not to hit his head, but he was outnumbered. Riku cursed when he ran out of bullets and walked back to where Kei was.

"Kimura-san!" Arisu called out when he saw Riku, but he was too busy fighting some thugs, too.

Yoshi and Kenji tried to catch up as well but the next thing they saw, Riku ran towards the brawling and kicked those men pouncing on Kei. Riku was obviously skilled in fighting, so it didn't take a while before the other two also dropped on the floor, wincing at the pain. The huge thug then turned to Riku and started throwing punches on him. When Riku saw him reached out for a gun on one of the dead thugs, Riku instantly kicked it away and pounced on him hard.

Kei gathered his strength to stand and help the others, especially seeing his boss fight for him. It was as if Riku and the thug didn't hear the gunshots still banging inside the warehouse as they continued to fist fight. When Kei finally regained his balance, he was about to fight with Riku; but his peripheral vision caught a figure coming out from the containers pointing a gun at Riku's direction, so he immediately ran towards the man before he could pull the trigger.

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