Chapter 29

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Kei knew that there were still a lot of things he will have to experience for the first time being a bodyguard for the Kimura. It's been a couple months since he accepted the job. There's already a lot that happened not just with his job but also with Riku.

After his first overseas work a month ago, he didn't expect that he would once again board a plane. But this time, it's the private plane of the Kimura. It's not just Riku flying with them after all. It will be his first time seeing the head of the Kimura Empire, the man that built the prominent name known in Japan and other countries. According to his classes about the Kimura back when he was training, they use private plane whenever Kimura Yamato travels abroad or if there's any urgent or emergency schedule out of the country. This time, it's the first one.

While waiting for the big man to arrive, Kei could feel Riku's gaze piercing at his direction. He did his best to avoid them. After the sudden confession the other night, there's this foreign feeling lingering in him. He couldn't answer when Riku asked him that night. He felt some contractions in his chest that he normally doesn't feel. His heart was pounding so loud he could hear it in his ears. He couldn't tell if it's something good or bad. After all, he couldn't feel any pain or if it's actually good for that matter. He hasn't liked anybody and had no experience in dating, insecure of his own condition. So, whether his chest clenched so hard until it hurts for some reason because of that confession that night, he couldn't tell.

They all boarded the plane the moment they saw Yamato directly headed to the aircraft without even glancing at Riku who he just passed by. Just like what Kei expected of the old man, he surely is intimidating.

On the plane, all the bodyguards are seated in one area near the front door while Riku, Yamato, and Arisu are in another area of the plane separated by a white curtain. There were only ten bodyguards including Arisu himself as Yamato will not stay too long in Korea after attending the funeral and meeting the Hwang.

After only an hour and fifty minutes, they already landed in Korea. As expected, there was no time wasted as they immediately headed to the funeral venue where Yeji was laid. They arrived there with their several huge funeral flowers with Kimura Empire written on the ribbons. Yamato led them inside the mini chapel where mourners pay their respect after Riku handed the condolence money to the receptionist.

When Hwang Beom Seok, Yeji's father saw the Kimura, his face turned sour. Yeji's mother, Jung Ha Yoon who was wearing a black hanbok, immediately stormed at them and started grabbing Yamato's suit.

"You killed my daughter!" She wailed and turned to Riku to do the same. "You killed her! My poor daughter!"

Although it was in Korean, Riku understood what she said. They've been business partners for years. They are very much fluent in Korean, too.

"We're sorry about what happened to your daughter." Yamato replied in Korean and bowed. Riku, and the rest of the bodyguards also bowed to the chief mourners.

"Bring her back! Bring back Yeji!"

Jung Ha continued to harass Riku until Beom Seok calmed her and let the Kimura paid their respect to their late daughter. As a tradition, they all bowed twice to Yeji's altar before paying another respect to her parents.

"Please accept our condolences. I won't dare imagine the pain you have right now, but we will do everything in our power to catch whoever did this to give Yeji-san the justice she deserves."

Despite her tears streaming down her face, Jung Ha mockingly scoffed at Yamato's words.

"Do you still not understand the situation? She died because of you!"

"It was very unfortunate, I'm so sorry." Riku responded.

"I appreciate your presence here." Finally, Beom Seok spoke which made Jung Ha sigh in disbelief. Her husband didn't even sound upset.

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