Chapter 35

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It's been two weeks since Jiro started his internship in Nagata Corporation. So far, there wasn't much that he would say that's challenging. Everything had been manageable and for most parts, he would only do as he was told just like any other intern in the company.

He also barely saw the CEO whom he met on his first day in the company which of course is very normal. He's just a mere intern after all. But what's unusual that he noticed was the noises inside the CEO office that they could hear at least once or twice a week now since he started his internship. Whenever this happens, the secretary would go inside the room and after just 3-5 minutes, she will call someone from our intercom called 'Adachi-san'. Then the said man would come in his very calm posture 15 minutes later; he would even give them a smile before entering the CEO office.

Jiro would not think too much of it. He barely knew these people and whilst he studied a lot about Nagata Corporation, the only information he could get from the CEO was the very general ones as normal. It's been two weeks since he's been in the company and he started to just ignore these nuances, especially the CEO. He might've his own ways to run his company and he's just nobody working for him.

But that day became a completely different story..

Thud! Thud!

Hearing that familiar noise from the CEO office again, Jiro tried his best not to look to his side where the secretary sits. He just waited for the next events to play out like a broken record.

As he predicted, she stood from her seat and quietly entered the office after three knocks. After just under 3 minutes this time, she came out as if she saw a ghost inside or something. She looked very scared but Jiro could tell she was trying to hide it. When she reached for the phone, he saw how her hands were trembling as she dialed in the intercom. They both waited until Adachi-san came to the phone, but Jiro thought he didn't answer because the secretary tried calling again.

After 3 failed attempts, she excused herself and Jiro could already tell she would find Adachi-san herself to bring him over. He's the only one that usually could stop the noise inside the office or whatever is going on in there. Jiro just stayed there as he didn't want to interfere.

He really didn't want to get involved. This is the CEO after all. But after hearing loud thuds and a few disturbing screams inside the office, Jiro stood and tried to look for the secretary nearby. But when he found no one to call for, he mustered his courage to knock at the door three times - worried that something might happen to the CEO inside.

He had no idea what this would cost him, but he was genuinely worried. He pushed the door open and slowly stepped inside the room like he's entering a lion's den.

Papers all over the floor, broken glasses everywhere, and a disheveled gentleman curling up on the corner of the room as if he fought with someone or to be more specific, he looked like someone beat him up.


It was the CEO, but his voice was somehow different. It wasn't his normal voice Jiro used to hear.


Jiro tried to stay where he stood, nervous that if he stepped any closer, he might lose his internship for overstepping.

"Who are you?!"

"I-I'm Sakai Jiro, the new intern. I... [Manabe-san] is trying to get Adachi-san to come here. D-Do you need help or is t-there something I could do?"

Despite his pounding chest, he tried not to stutter his words. Maybe it was wrong for him to be there. But he was already inside before he could get to his senses.

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