Chapter 27

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The day was almost over but Jiro was still full of energy. Aside from the immense excitement of meeting the CEO on his first day, he was feeling optimistic that he can finish this internship with flying colors. If he performs well, he might be given another opportunity to be an employee of the company after his internship and graduation which is only a few months away.

Just like any other intern's first day, his day was slow when it comes to work. All he did is memorize the things he needed to remember such as how to organize the CEO's appointments; the secretary also showed him some tools they are using for all executive-related tasks.

Jiro was already organizing his desk, ready to call it a day, when his phone vibrated which he answered right away after seeing the name on the screen. Jiro had always made sure to himself to answer Kei's call immediately as it may be an emergency due to his brother's condition.

"Hello, 'Nii-chan."

"How's your first day?" The voice on the other line answered.

A huge smile flashed on Jiro's face. "It's great!"

His voice might've been loud because of his hype when he saw the secretary looked at him with a smile, so Jiro excused himself and walked a distance first before continuing.

"You won't believe this!"


"I met Nagata-shachou. THE Nagata Reiji!"

On the other line, Kei didn't know how to react. Was it really a good thing for his brother to meet the big man too soon? He had his on experiences with a "CEO" himself, so he couldn't help but worry at the same time.

"Really? That's good then. Call me if you need anything, okay?"

"Okay! Don't forget to take care of yourself, too. Are you always checking your vital statistics? You can't miss a day, understood?"

Kei thought here comes the nagging again, but he knew he loves hearing his little brother nag him.

"Oyaji possessed you again." Kei let out a little chuckle to tease his brother. It's been a while since they spoke after all. They've both been busy with their own world – Kei with his job and Jiro with his internship.

"Don't change the topic."

"Yes, sir. Yoshi-kun is helping me check it sometimes."

"Good! Alright, Nii-chan. I need to clock off now. I'll text you when I get home."

Jiro ended the call and finally call it a day, still carrying that thrill and looking forward for his next two and a half months internship in Nagata Corporation.


A loud sigh broke the silence around the table before Aya aggressively tapped the wooden table with her pen, feeling a bit frustrated seeing her friend stare her phone almost the entire day now.

"If you want to call senpai, just do it. You're frustrating me."

Yui, who defeatedly looked at her with her chin rested on the table, suddenly squared up and picked up her phone.

"I don't know what to text him nor what to say to call him." She sounded sad with a glint of frustration as well.

Aya grunted in exaggeration to tease her friend. "Come on. Just tell him congratulations on his internship. How is that even hard?"

Sitting beside Aya was Souta, who just gave him a knock on her head.


"You're supposed to help her, not nag her." The guy said.

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