Chapter 26

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It was a chaos that night. Some of the bodyguards got hurt, some even died. Arisu and the top bodyguards, including Kei, had been in a meeting for a while now trying to crack something. As expected, the elites who attended the auction started questioning the Kimura for failing the safety of the guests, and for negligence, referring to what happened to the Hwang's daughter, Yeji.

After a while, Arisu let the bodyguards rest as he knew it will take more than just a night to figure out who sabotaged the auction. After all, some of them also had minor injuries.

On their way to their quarters, Kei noticed Yoshi tending his right shoulder where he also had a bandage due to a scrape from a bullet shot at them.

"Hey, I'll get you some pain killers." He offered.

"Oh, thank you! I'll see you in the room then."

Kei flashed a faint smile before changing his direction going to the infirmary.

It's almost 3 in the morning so it's been quiet. Everyone must be resting now after what happened, recuperating.

There were some bodyguards in the infirmary, so he just grabbed what he needed and go, not wanting to wake anyone in there trying to recover.

On the hallway, he saw a figure not that far and recognized who it was. He followed him while keeping a safe distance until they reached the bar area. Kei still felt bad for Riku, seeing his left hand covered in gauze. For some reasons, Kei couldn't turn his back around to leave. He just stood there in the dark, watching Riku pour himself a drink. His boss definitely won't be able to sleep tonight after what just happened.

With that thought, Kei hurriedly went back to their quarter to give Yoshi the medicine before he returned to the bar area, standing on the same spot he was standing earlier. Riku, as expected, was still there – silently downing his drinks.

He hesitated whether he wanted to let his presence known after his boss got mad at him or just be there for him in a distance in case Riku needed a bodyguard. But after a few minutes, he mustered his courage to walk to Riku's direction.

Riku, on the other hand, already knew he was being watched. He just confirmed who it was when he saw Kei's back when he left earlier, not expecting him to return. There were so many thoughts going on in his mind at the moment – the incident that happened, who could have done it, the aftermath of all this, his father, and... Kei. Somehow, Kei still managed to sneak in his mind no matter how clouded it is, just like how he's currently sneaking in behind him. And he couldn't believe he just lets him.

"Kimura-san." Kei softly called out, not wanting to alert his boss and stood beside him with a safe distance.

"I thought Arisu told everyone to go take a rest." He nonchalantly replied as he chugged his whiskey.

"And you should also be resting by now."

Hearing this, Riku faintly scoffed, finally giving him a look. "I would offer you a drink, but I don't want you to mess with my room this time. This hand won't be able to clean it."

Kei secretly sighed in relief. Riku was now calmer than he was a while ago to have said that.

"I can at least pour you your drinks." Kei said and brought his gaze to Riku's injured hand, which the latter understood.

Riku slightly smiled and pushed the bottle of whiskey in front of Kei. "Sit then."

The bodyguard sat beside him and poured his boss another shot. "I... I'm sorry about your hand."

Riku could feel the burn on his chest from the liquor.

"Is it your habit?"

Kei was confused by his question. "Sorry?"

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